Beschreibung To Die for: Is Fashion Wearing Out the World?. An expose on the fashion industry written by the Observer's 'Ethical Living' columnist, examining the inhumane and environmentally devastating story behind the clothes we so casually buy and wear. Coming at a time when the global financial crisis and contracting of consumer spending is ushering in a new epoch for the fashion industry, To Die For offers a very plausible vision of how green could really be the new black. Taking particular issue with our current mania for both big-name labels and cheap fashion, To Die For sets an agenda for the urgent changes that can and need to be made by both the industry and the consumer. Far from outlining a future of drab, ethical clothing, Lucy Siegle believes that it is indeed possible to be an 'ethical fashionista', simply by being aware of how and where (and by whom) clothing is manufactured. The global banking crisis has put the consumer at a crossroads: when money is tight should we embrace cheap fast fashion to prop up an already engorged wardrobe, or should we reject this as the ultimate false economy and advocate a return to real fashion, bolstered by the principles of individualism and style pedigree? In this impassioned book, Siegle analyses the global epidemic of unsustainable fashion, taking stock of our economic health and moral accountabilities to expose the pitfalls of fast fashion. Refocusing the debate squarely back on the importance of basic consumer rights, Siegle reveals the truth behind cut price, bulk fashion and the importance of your purchasing decisions, advocating the case for a new sustainable design era where we are assured of value for money: ethically, morally and in real terms.
To Die for: Is Fashion Wearing Out the World?: Siegle ~ An expose on the fashion industry written by the Observer's 'Ethical Living' columnist, examining the inhumane and environmentally devastating story behind the clothes we so casually buy and wear. Coming at a time when the global financial crisis and contracting of consumer spending is ushering in a new epoch for the fashion industry, To Die For offers a very plausible vision of how green .
To Die For: Is Fashion Wearing Out the World? by Lucy Siegle ~ I read this book as part of my Fashion degree, and despite reading certain tragedies in the newspaper which the fashion industry causes, this book really hit home and opened my eyes to the hideous 'fast fashion' game. This isn't a sweet novel, nor is it just another fashion coffee table book. This book will change the way you shop and how you view the 'glamorous' world of fashion. I also blame .
Doc ^ To Die for: Is Fashion Wearing Out the World? ^ Download ~ BRAND NEW, To Die for: Is Fashion Wearing Out the World?, Lucy Siegle, An expose on the fashion industry written by the Observer's 'Ethical Living' columnist, examining the inhumane and environmentally devastating story behind the clothes we so casually buy and wear. Coming at a time when the global financial crisis and contracting of consumer spending is ushering in a new epoch for the .
[Pub.72] Download To Die for: Is Fashion Wearing Out the ~ To Die for: Is Fashion Wearing Out the World? PDF by Lucy Siegle : To Die for: Is Fashion Wearing Out the World? ISBN : #0007264097 / Date : 2011-05-01 Description : PDF-458d3 / An expose on the fashion industry written by the Observer's 'Ethical Living' columnist, examining the inhumane and environmentally devastating story behind the clothes we so casually buy and wear. Coming at a time when .
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