Beschreibung HOW STARBUCKS SAVED MY LIFE. A candid, moving and inspirational memoir about a high-flying business man who is forced to re-evaluate his life and values when he suddenly loses everything and goes to work in Starbucks. Michael Gill had it made. He was educated, wealthy and well-connected. He had a creative and lucrative advertising job, which he loved and which he was good at, and a model family and home life. Then he loses it all. He is fired by a young exec whom he had mentored. He has an extramarital affair that destroys his family and results in a newborn son. Then he is diagnosed with brain cancer. He has no insurance, no income. One day he wanders into Starbucks and by chance signs up for a job interview. His would-be boss is a young black woman who gives him a job, and sets about training him and mentoring him. What follows is an inspirational eye-opener as Gill experiences a whole new world compared to his former life - with people from completely different ethnic and social backgrounds. 'How Starbucks Saved My Life' follows Gill's journey of discovery as gradually he is forced to question his ingrained assumptions, prejudices and habits. Gill emerges from his fall from grace with humility and gratitude. His new-found empathy teaches him how anyone who has lost their way, or made a mistake, can start again.
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Download How Starbucks Saved My Life ebook {PDF} {EPUB ~ âHow Starbucks Saved My Lifeâ follows Gill's journey of discovery as gradually he is forced to question his ingrained assumptions, prejudices and habits. Gill emerges from his fall from grace with humility and gratitude. His new-found empathy teaches him how anyone who has lost their way, or made a mistake, can start again.
How Starbucks Saved My Life by Ariel De Castro ~ Ariel De Castro Mrs. North English II H, Period 5 10 June 2015 Michael Gates Gill was born a part of the privileged and lived a very luxurious childhood which he continued to live into his adulthood. He was a successful man working for J. Walter Thompson, a well-known advertising
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