Beschreibung Size Zero: My Life as a Disappearing Model. A memoir of a brief career as a top model - and the brutally honest account of what goes on behind the scenes in a fascinating, closed industry. Scouted in the street when she is 17, Victoire Dauxerre's story started like a teenager's dream: within months she was on the catwalks of New York's major fashion shows, and part of the most select circle of in-demand supermodels in the world. But when fashion executives and photographers began to pressure her about her weight, forcing her to become ever thinner, Victoire's fantasy came at a cost. Food was now her enemy, and soon, living on only three apples a day and Diet Coke galore, Victoire became anorexic. An unflinching, painful expose of the uglier face of fashion, her testimony is a shocking example of how our culture's mechanisms of anorexia and bulimia can push a young woman to the point of suicide. It is the story of a survivor whose fight against poisonous illness and body image shows us how to take courage and embrace life. Written with Valerie Peronnet.
Size Zero: My Life as a Disappearing Model by Victoire ~ Size Zero: My Life as a Disappearing Model by. Victoire Dauxerre. 3.64 · Rating details · 673 ratings · 78 reviews A memoir of a brief career as a top model - and the brutally honest account of what goes on behind the scenes in a fascinating, closed industry. .
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