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    Everyone Comes to Elaine's: Forty Years of Movie Stars, All-Stars, Literary Lions, Financial Scions, Top Cops, Politicians, and Power Brokers at the Legendary Hot Spot

    Beschreibung Everyone Comes to Elaine's: Forty Years of Movie Stars, All-Stars, Literary Lions, Financial Scions, Top Cops, Politicians, and Power Brokers at the Legendary Hot Spot. Pull up a seat. You’re invited to the best spot in town: Elaine’s, the Upper East Side bar and restaurant owned by quirky restaurateur Elaine Kaufman.A true Manhattan original, Elaine nurtured young, hungry writers, artists, and performers who matured into the likes of Woody Allen, Jack Nicholson, Andy Warhol, and Norman Mailer.In Everyone Comes to Elaine's, you'll find meaty morsels on American icons, including Jackie O., Judy, and Liza, and first-hand accounts of the night Frank Sinatra snubbed The Godfather author, Mario Puzo, and the time that Mia Farrow asked Michael Caine to introduce her to Woody Allen.Everyone Comes to Elaine's is an insider's view of a cultural scene that closed it's doors officially in 2011, after the death of Elaine Kaufman, hostess and New York legend. There's no one better to to have told these great tales than award-winning author A. E. Hotchner, who was there all along.

    Buch Everyone Comes to Elaine's: Forty Years of Movie Stars, All-Stars, Literary Lions, Financial Scions, Top Cops, Politicians, and Power Brokers at the Legendary Hot Spot PDF ePub

    Everyone Comes to Elaine's: Forty Years of Movie Stars ~ Everyone Comes to Elaine's: Forty Years of Movie Stars, All-Stars, Literary Lions, Financial Scions, Top Cops, Politicians, and Power Brokers at the Legendary Hot Spot [Hotchner, A. E.] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Everyone Comes to Elaine's: Forty Years of Movie Stars, All-Stars, Literary Lions, Financial Scions, Top Cops

    Everyone Comes to Elaine's : Forty Years of Movie Stars ~ Everyone Comes to Elaine's : Forty Years of Movie Stars, All-Stars, Literary Lions, Financial Scions, Top Cops, Politicians, and Power Brokers at the Legendary Hot Spot [Hotchner, A. E.] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Everyone Comes to Elaine's : Forty Years of Movie Stars, All-Stars, Literary Lions, Financial Scions, Top Cops

    Everyone Comes to Elaine's: Forty Years of Movie Stars ~ Start by marking “Everyone Comes to Elaine's: Forty Years of Movie Stars, All-Stars, Literary Lions, Financial Scions, Top Cops, Politicians, and Power Brokers at the Legendary Hot Spot” as Want to Read:

    Everyone comes to Elaine's : forty years of movie stars ~ Get this from a library! Everyone comes to Elaine's : forty years of movie stars, all-stars, literary lions, financial scions, top cops, politicians, and power brokers at the legendary hot spot. [A E Hotchner] -- An inside story of the celebrated New York City restaurant traces its forty-year history as recounted by its proprietress and the many famous patrons whose marriages, books, movies .

    9780060538187: Everyone Comes to Elaine's: Forty Years of ~ AbeBooks: Everyone Comes to Elaine's: Forty Years of Movie Stars, All-Stars, Literary Lions, Financial Scions, Top Cops, Politicians, and Power Brokers at the Legendary Hot Spot (9780060538187) by Hotchner, A. E. and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices.

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