Beschreibung Retailing Management - Global Edition. Retailing is a high tech, global, growth industry that provides challenging and rewarding career opportunities for college graduates. This book and its corresponding tools and exercises were written to expose students to the excitement of retailing and prepare them for a career in retailing and related fields. Known for its strategic look at retailing and current coverage, this new 7th edition continues to be organized around a model of strategic decision-making. One of the major advantages of the Levy/Weitz approach is the text's readability, organization, and its emphasis on how students can come to grips with real retailing issues and be able to solve problems. The text's logical organization around a decision-making process allows readers to learn about the process of strategic decisions first before moving on to decision implementation. The implementation decisions are broken down into merchandise management decisions and store management decisions, just as they would be in a real retailing setting. The text provides a balanced treatment of strategic, "how to," and conceptual material, in a highly readable and interesting format. The seventh edition continues its cutting edge coverage on the latest topics and developments in retailing including globalization; customer relationship management programs; multi-channel retailing; supply chain management, the use of the Internet to improve operating efficiencies and customer service; and legal, ethical and cooperate social responsibility issues.. Students indicate that this text is a "good read" because of the numerous examples of retailers, their practices, the interesting retail facts in the margins, and eye catching design and layout.
Retailing Management - Levy, Michael, Weitz, Barton A ~ Retailing Management is proud to welcome Dhruv Grewal, Toyota Chair of Commerce and Electronic Business, and Professor of Marketing at Babson College, to the 9th edition author team. Dhruv brings years of academic experience and close collaborations with Michael Levy to co-author several retailing articles and co-edit the Journal of Retailing from 2001 to 2007, round out this powerful author team.
Retailing Management - Levy, Michael, Weitz, Barton A ~ Retailing is a high-tech, global, growth industry that plays a vital economic role in society. The authors objective in preparing the eighth edition is to stimulate student interest in retailing courses and careers by capturing the exciting, challenging, and rewarding opportunities facing both retailers and firms that sell their products and services to retailers, such as IBM and Proctor & Gamble.
Retailing Management - Levy, Michael, Weitz, Barton ~ Retailing Management by Levy and Weitz is the best-selling textbook in the retailing market. Retailing is a high tech, global, growth industry that provides challenging and rewarding career opportunities for college graduates. This book and its corresponding tools and exercises were written to expose students to the excitement of retailing and prepare them for a career in retailing and related .
Retail Marketing Management (eBook, PDF) - bücher ~ 'Retail Marketing Management covers all the essential theories needed to understand the complicated business of retail: from understanding the consumer and purchasing of the product through to store layout and communications. The writing style is easy to follow, and the text is supported by diagrams and case studies which enhance understanding and learning. I would recommend this book to .
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