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    Bangalore Tiger: How Indian Tech Upstart Wipro Is Rewriting the Rules of Global Competition

    Beschreibung Bangalore Tiger: How Indian Tech Upstart Wipro Is Rewriting the Rules of Global Competition. Of all the tech tigers in India, Wipro is one of a handfulthat stands out from the pack. In the past five years,it has become one of the most accomplished techservices providers in the world, delivering businessvalue through a combination of process excellence,quality frameworks, and service delivery innovation.Totally dedicated to customer satisfaction, Wipro isknown to go above and beyond to make customershappy. It’s a move that’s paid off handsomely, witha 24 percent operating profit in its tech servicesdivision—more than twice the industry average.Bangalore Tiger is the story of Wipro’s transformationand its impact on the tech services industry andthe rules of global competition.BusinessWeek seniorwriter Steve Hamm takes you inside the halls of thistransnational phenomenon to reveal the true secretsof Wipro’s superior business: its people, principles,and core competencies.From Wipro’s triumphs to its missteps, Hammmines a treasure of business lessons, explaining howand, more important, why it is necessary to:Expand quickly without stumblingFollow the new rules for outsourcersInnovate every day—or elseBe obsessive about customersMotivate employees the Wipro wayPlan three years ahead to preparefor rapid growthHamm also gives you a rare glimpse into the mind ofWipro’s charismatic chairman and thought leader, AzimPremji. Guiding Wipro’s growth every step of the way,Premji was one of the first business leaders in India todecree that his company would not pay bribes. You’llsee how his adoption of world-class business processeshelped Wipro thrive—and how Wipro is helping to fulfillhis dream of a better educated, more prosperous India.Removing the shroud of secrecy around Indianmanagement principles, Hamm provides a real-worldblueprint for operating a successful transnationalorganization, as viewed through the eye of theBangalore Tiger.

    Buch Bangalore Tiger: How Indian Tech Upstart Wipro Is Rewriting the Rules of Global Competition PDF ePub

    Bangalore Tiger: How Indian Tech Upstart Wipro is ~ Bangalore Tiger is the story of Wipro’s transformation and its impact on the tech services industry and the rules of global competition. BusinessWeek senior writer Steve Hamm takes you inside the halls of this transnational phenomenon to reveal the true secrets of Wipro’s superior business: its people, principles, and core competencies.

    : Bangalore Tiger: How Indian Tech Upstart Wipro ~ Bangalore Tiger: How Indian Tech Upstart Wipro is Rewriting the Rules of Global Competition - Kindle edition by Hamm, Steve. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Bangalore Tiger: How Indian Tech Upstart Wipro is Rewriting the Rules of Global Competition.

    Bangalore Tiger : How Indian Tech Upstart Wipro Is ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Bangalore Tiger : How Indian Tech Upstart Wipro Is Rewriting the Rules of Global Competition by Steve Hamm (Trade Cloth) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

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    Buy Bangalore Tiger Book Online at Low Prices in India ~ Bangalore Tiger is the story of Wipro’s transformationand its impact on the tech services industry andthe rules of global competition. BusinessWeek seniorwriter Steve Hamm takes you inside the halls of thistransnational phenomenon to reveal the true secretsof Wipro’s superior business: its people, principles,and core competencies.

    December / 2006 / ICT4D South Asia ~ The promise of … the ‘Bangalore Tiger’ December 25, 2006 Posted by fredericknoronha in India, Uncategorized. add a comment. While passing through Bangalore yesterday, I came across Bangalore Tiger: How Indian Tech UPstart Wipro is Rewriting the Rules of Global Competition by Steve Hamm. This is a 2007-dated Indian edition released by Tata McGraw-Hill and priced a rupee or five (can’t .

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    Knights on the Road » 2006 » October - Noble Seekers in ~ Bangalore Tiger. Steve Hamm.2007. ISBN 0071474781. How Indian Upstart Wipro Is Rewriting the Rules of Global Competition. Wipro differs from the other Indian outsourcing companies in many ways. Volumes, profits, creation of IP, use of CMM, Six Sigma, Lean manufacturing in all its efforts, and the ability to partner with world class Orgs (like .

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