Beschreibung Networking with the Affluent.
Networking with the Affluent: Stanley, Thomas ~ From the New York Times bestselling author of The Millionaire Next Door, the classic guide on how to network with the affluent client. "Tom StanleyÕs ideas regarding Networking with the Affluent and Their Advisors have produced strengthened relationships throughout our multinational accounts. The bottom line is increased customer loyalty, our most precious asset."-Keith Martino, Global Sales .
: Networking with the Affluent and their ~ Networking with the wealthy is not like networking with the less-affluent. Dr .Stanley provides a proven road map for building trust, securing interest, and forging profitable relationships with wealthy audiences—including tactics for boosting your credibility and assuring continued loyalty among wealthy customers. This book is essential reading material for anyone whose target market includes the affluent.
Networking with the Affluent by Thomas J. Stanley ~ Networking with the affluent is a great case study for how to improve relationships, build trust and loyalty with any client regardless of their level of wealth. A great read and although most of the scenarios are given within the context of the financial services field, I found that it was easy enough to relate to them and and adapt them to my own business as a service provider in the .
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Bestes Networking-Buch (Oktober 2020) • 10 gute ~ Hier die derzeit 10 besten Bücher über Networking laut -Bestseller-Charts. Oft sind günstige Angebote für Marken-Bücher dabei -- ein Preisvergleich lohnt. Für alle Produkteigenschaften, Bewertungen und Erfahrungen klicke einfach auf das Buch, das Dich interessiert und Du gelangst zum Buch bei . Dort kannst Du auch gleich online bestellen.* Beste Networking-Bücher: aktu .
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What to Know About Working With Affluent Buyers - ILHM ~ Affluent buyers might not necessarily stand out to you right away. Here are some characteristics of certain high net worth clients in the “mass affluent” and “high net worth” categories from above: Save 15% to 20% of gross incomes. Don’t lead luxurious lifestyles. 76% are married. 41% have children under 18 years old. 24% are in top management. Since some purchasers may be stretching .
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RosettaBooks ~ eBook Authors; Print. Books; Coming Soon; Print Authors; Blog; About; MEDIA; CONTACT; Home; eBooks ; Networking with the Affluent and their Advisors Networking with the Affluent and their Advisors By Thomas Stanley. 3.90 In the best-selling The Millionaire Next Door, Dr. Thomas Stanley discussed where you can find wealthy customers—often not where you’d think. Here, Dr. Stanley offers in .
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