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    The Lady's Maid: My Life in Service

    Beschreibung The Lady's Maid: My Life in Service. 'I was able to get on well with everyone below stairs and above, or so I thought until I began working for Lady Astor...' In 1929, Yorkshire lass Rosina Harrison became personal maid to Lady Astor: the first female Member of Parliament to take her seat and wife of one of England's wealthiest lords. Lady Astor was brilliant yet tempestuous, but outspoken Rose gave as good as she got. For 35 years the battle of wills and wits raged between the two women, until an unlikely friendship began to emerge.The Lady's Maid is a captivating insight into the great wealth 'upstairs' but also the endless work 'downstairs', but it is Rose's unique relationship with Lady Astor that makes this book a truly enticing read.Please note, The Lady's Maid is the new title for the book originally published as Rose.

    Buch The Lady's Maid: My Life in Service PDF ePub

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