Beschreibung A London Pub for Every Occasion: 161 tried-and-tested pubs in a pocket-sized guide that's perfect for Londoners and travellers alike (Herb Lester Associates). London is packed with pubs, but finding a really good one is not always easy.Whether you want to relax in a garden or shelter from rain, marvel at architecture or enjoy a live act, find a convenient meeting point or a place to hide, bring your dog to the pub or stroke the resident cat, it is Herb Lester’srole to anticipate your desires and act as your guide.With 161 tried-and-tested pubs, plus a handy fold-out map of London.
A London Pub for Every Occasion: 161 tried-and-tested pubs ~ A London Pub for Every Occasion: 161 tried-and-tested pubs in a pocket-sized guide that's perfect for Londoners and travellers alike Herb Lester Associates: : Herb Lester Associates Limited: Fremdsprachige BĂŒcher
A London Pub for Every Occasion: 161 tried-and-tested pubs ~ A London Pub for Every Occasion: 161 tried-and-tested pubs in a pocket-sized guide that's perfect for Londoners and travellers alike (Herb Lester Associates) (English Edition) eBook: Herb Lester Associates Limited: : Kindle-Shop
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