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    Art of Scalability, The: Scalable Web Architecture, Processes, and Organizations for the Modern Enterprise (Pear04)

    Beschreibung Art of Scalability, The: Scalable Web Architecture, Processes, and Organizations for the Modern Enterprise (Pear04). The Comprehensive, Proven Approach to IT Scalability–Updated with New Strategies, Technologies, and Case Studies   In The Art of Scalability, Second Edition, leading scalability consultants Martin L. Abbott and Michael T. Fisher cover everything you need to know to smoothly scale products and services for any requirement. This extensively revised edition reflects new technologies, strategies, and lessons, as well as new case studies from the authors’ pioneering consulting practice, AKF Partners.   Writing for technical and nontechnical decision-makers, Abbott and Fisher cover everything that impacts scalability, including architecture, process, people, organization, and technology. Their insights and recommendations reflect more than thirty years of experience at companies ranging from eBay to Visa, and Salesforce.com to Apple.   You’ll find updated strategies for structuring organizations to maximize agility and scalability, as well as new insights into the cloud (IaaS/PaaS) transition, NoSQL, DevOps, business metrics, and more. Using this guide’s tools and advice, you can systematically clear away obstacles to scalability–and achieve unprecedented IT and business performance.   Coverage includes • Why scalability problems start with organizations and people, not technology, and what to do about it • Actionable lessons from real successes and failures • Staffing, structuring, and leading the agile, scalable organization • Scaling processes for hyper-growth environments • Architecting scalability: proprietary models for clarifying needs and making choices–including 15 key success principles • Emerging technologies and challenges: data cost, datacenter planning, cloud evolution, and customer-aligned monitoring • Measuring availability, capacity, load, and performance

    Buch Art of Scalability, The: Scalable Web Architecture, Processes, and Organizations for the Modern Enterprise (Pear04) PDF ePub

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    The Art of Scalability: Scalable Web Architecture ~ A Comprehensive, Proven Approach to IT Scalability from Two Veteran Software, Technology, and Business Executives In "The Art of Scalability, " AKF Partners cofounders Martin L. Abbott and Michael T. Fisher cover everything IT and business leaders must know to build technology infrastructures that can scale smoothly to meet any business requirement.

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