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    E-commerce 2017: Business, Technology, Society

    Beschreibung E-commerce 2017: Business, Technology, Society. Laudon’s E-commerce 2017: Business, Technology, Society emphasizes three driving forces behind the expanding field of e-commerce: technology change, business development, and social issues. A conceptual framework uses the templates of many modern-day companies to further demonstrate the differences and complexities in e-commerce today. An in-depth investigation of companies such as Uber, Airbnb, Instacart, and others kick-off the course while preparing students for real-life scenarios.   In the Thirteenth Edition, Laudon and Traver add new or update existing case studies to match developments in the e-commerce field as they exist in today’s tech world. They built in additional video cases for each chapter, making the material even more accessible to students as they prepare for their future roles in business.   KEY TOPICS: The Revolution Is Just Beginning; E-commerce Business Models and Concepts; E-commerce Infrastructure: The Internet, Web, and Mobile Platform; Building an E-commerce Presence: Web Sites, Mobile Sites, and Apps; E-commerce Security and Payment Systems; E-commerce Marketing and Advertising Concepts; Social, Mobile, and Local Marketing; Ethical, Social, and Political Issues in E-commerce; Online Retailing and Services; Online Content and Media; Social Networks, Auctions, and Portals; B2B E-commerce: Supply Chain Management and Collaborative Commerce   MARKET:  For anyone interested in e-commerce.

    Buch E-commerce 2017: Business, Technology, Society PDF ePub

    Laudon & Traver, E-Commerce 2017, 13th Edition / Pearson ~ Laudon’s E-commerce 2017: Business, Technology, Society emphasizes three driving forces behind the expanding field of e-commerce: technology change, business development, and social issues. A conceptual framework uses the templates of many modern-day companies to further demonstrate the differences and complexities in e-commerce today. An in-depth investigation of companies such as Uber .

    E-commerce : business, technology, society (Book, 2017 ~ E-commerce Business Models and Concepts3. E-commerce Infrastructure: The Internet, Web, and Mobile Platform4. Building an E-commerce Presence: Web Sites, Mobile Sites, and Apps5. E-commerce Security and Payment Systems6. E-commerce Marketing and Advertising Concepts7. Social, Mobile, and Local Marketing8. Ethical, Social, and Political Issues in E-commerce9. Online Retailing and Services10 .

    E-Commerce 2017 13th edition / 9780134601564 ~ E-Commerce 2017 Business, Technology, and Society (Subscription) 13th Edition by Kenneth C. Laudon; Carol Guercio Traver and Publisher Pearson. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9780134602141, 0134602145. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9780134601564, 0134601564.

    E-commerce : business, technology, society (Book, 2017 ~ E-commerce business models and concepts --Pt. 2. Technology infrastructure for e-commerce --Ch. 3. E-commerce infrastructure: the internet, web, and mobile platform --Ch. 4. Building an e-commerce presence: web sites, mobile sites, and apps --Ch. 5. E-commerce security and payment systems --Pt. 3. Business concepts and social issues --Ch. 6.

    E-commerce: Business, Technology, Society - Kenneth C ~ E-commerce: Business, Technology, Society. Kenneth C. Laudon, Carol Guercio Traver. Prentice Hall, 2008 - Business & Economics - 809 pages. 1 Review. For the undergraduate and graduate e-commerce course in any business discipline. This comprehensive, market-leading text emphasizes the three major driving forces behind e-commerce to provide a coherent conceptual framework for understanding the .

    9780134601564 - E-Commerce 2017 by Kenneth C. Laudon ~ Understanding The Vast And Expanding Field of E-commerceLaudon’s E-commerce 2017: Business, Technology, Society emphasizes three driving forces behind the expanding field of e-commerce: technology change, business development, and social issues. A conceptual framework uses the templates of many modern-day companies to further demonstrate the differences and complexities in e-commerce today .

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    E-Commerce 2017: Business. Technology. Society. 13th ~ Laudon’s E-commerce 2017: Business, Technology, Society emphasizes three driving forces behind the expanding field of e-commerce: technology change, business development, and social issues. A conceptual framework uses the templates of many modern-day companies to further demonstrate the differences and complexities in e-commerce today.

    E-Commerce 2017: Laudon, Kenneth, Traver, Carol ~ Understanding The Vast And Expanding Field of E-commerce . Laudon’s E-commerce 2017: Business, Technology, Society emphasizes three driving forces behind the expanding field of e-commerce: technology change, business development, and social issues. A conceptual framework uses the templates of many modern-day companies to further demonstrate the differences and complexities in e-commerce today.

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    E-Commerce 2019: Business, Technology and Society: ~ For courses in e-commerce. The most up-to-date, comprehensive overview of e-commerce today Lively and fun to read, E-commerce 2019: business.technology.society is an in-depth, thought-provoking introduction to e-¿commerce focusing on key concepts and the latest empirical and financial data.Hundreds of examples from companies such as Facebook ®, Google ®, Twitter ®, and ® illustrate .

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    Companion website for E-commerce. Business, Technology ~ Welcome to the Companion Website for E-commerce 2018: Business. Technology. Society, 14th edition. This site contains a variety of student resources, including: additional projects, exercises, tutorials, and links to useful e-commerce resources; links to tech tutorials; information on building a business plan and raising capital; career information ; To access these resources, click on a .

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