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    New Cornerstone, Grade 3 Student Edition with eBook (soft cover)

    Beschreibung New Cornerstone, Grade 3 Student Edition with eBook (soft cover). Six thematic units per level organised around a Big Question Engaging videos that explore the Big Question and key themes in the unit Three readings per unit from a wide range of genres including informational texts, biographies, and poems, as well as classic and contemporary literature Key vocabulary taught explicitly before each reading Clear and step-by-step grammar presentations followed by thorough and focused practice Skills workshops and hands-on projects to provide students the opportunity to demonstrate their mastery of content and language skills All Student Editions come with access to the Pearson English Portal

    Buch New Cornerstone, Grade 3 Student Edition with eBook (soft cover) PDF ePub

    Cornerstone / Bilingual future / Primary / Pearson English ~ New Cornerstone supports young learners where the English curriculum is extensive, as they strive for academic success and full English proficiency in a global environment. Young learners prepare for future study and opportunities with an effective method that is aligned to Common Core State Standards.

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