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    Startup: A Silicon Valley Adventure

    Beschreibung Startup: A Silicon Valley Adventure. Kaplan, a well-known figure in the computer industry, founded GO Corporation in 1987, and for several years it was one of the hottest new ventures in the Valley. Startup tells the story of Kaplan's wild ride: how he assembled a brilliant but fractious team of engineers, software designers, and investors; pioneered the emerging market for hand-held computers operated with a pen instead of a keyboard; and careened from crisis to crisis without ever losing his passion for a revolutionary idea. Along the way, Kaplan vividly recreates his encounters with eccentric employees, risk-addicted venture capitalists, and industry giants such as Bill Gates, John Sculley, and Mitchell Kapor. And no one - including Kaplan himself - is spared his sharp wit and observant eye.

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    Startup : a Silicon Valley adventure : Kaplan, Jerry ~ Startup : a Silicon Valley adventure by Kaplan, Jerry. Publication date 1995 Topics Kaplan, Jerry, GO Corporation, Computer industry, Entrepreneurship, Pen-based computers Publisher Boston : Houghton Mifflin Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; americana Digitizing sponsor Internet Archive Contributor Internet Archive Language English. Includes index Access-restricted .

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