Beschreibung Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition and Still Can't Get a Date. This work looks at the business of computing in the US, as computer science, as a business, and as a collection of extraordinary and eccentric characters. After automobiles, energy production, and illegal drugs, personal computers are one of the largest manufacturing industries in the world, and one of the great success stories for American business. This book is linked to a Channel 4 television series entitled "The Triumph of the Nerds".
Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make ~ Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition and Still Can't Get a Date / Cringely, Robert X. / ISBN: 9780670845613 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make ~ Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition and Still Don't Get a Date / Cringely, Robert X. / ISBN: 9780887308550 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make ~ Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition and Still Can't Get a Date / Cringely, Robert X. / ISBN: 9780140258264 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Accidental Empires : How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Accidental Empires : How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition and Still Can't Get a Date by Robert X. Cringely (1992, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
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Accidental Empires : How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Accidental Empires : How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition and Still Can't Get a Date by Robert X. Cringely (1996, Paperback, Revised) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
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About Bob - I, Cringely / I, Cringely ~ He is also the author of the best-selling book Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition, and Still Can’t Get a Date. His work has appeared, well, everywhere, and his PBS documentaries have aired in more than 60 countries. Most recently, Cringely was the host and writer of the Maryland Public Television documentary “The Tranformation .
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Vision and Reality of Hypertext and GUIs: Friedewald ~ Wie die Jungs vom Silicon Valley die Milliarden scheffeln, die Konkurrenz bekriegen und trotzdem keine Frau bekommen. ECON, Düsseldorf (Original: Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition, and still can't get a Date, Reading, Mass. 1992). Croarken, Mary (1990).
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