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    If...Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics (Oxford Studies in Digital Politics)

    Beschreibung If...Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics (Oxford Studies in Digital Politics). We live in a world in which Google's search algorithms determine how we access information, Facebook's News Feed algorithms shape how we socialize, and Netflix collaborative filtering algorithms choose the media products we consume. As such, we live algorithmic lives. Life, however, is not blindly controlled or determined by algorithms. Nor are we simply victims of an ever-expanding artificial intelligence. Rather than looking at how technologies shape or are shaped by political institutions, this book is concerned with the ways in which informational infrastructure may be considered political in its capacity to shape social and cultural life. It looks specifically at the conditions of algorithmic life -- how algorithms work, both materially and discursively, to create the conditions for sociality and connectivity. The book argues that the most important aspect of algorithms is not what they are in terms of their specific technical details but rather how they become part of social practices and how different people enlist them as powerful brokers of information, communication and society. If we truly want to engage with the promises of automation and predictive analytics entailed by the promises of "big data", we also need to understand the contours of algorithmic life that condition such practices. Setting out to explore both the specific uses of algorithms and the cultural forms they generate, this book offers a novel understanding of the power and politics of algorithmic life as grounded in case studies that explore the material-discursive dimensions of software.

    Buch If...Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics (Oxford Studies in Digital Politics) PDF ePub

    IfThen: Algorithmic Power and Politics Oxford Studies ~ "Taina Bucher's If.Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics is delightful: she presents multiple engaging critiques about algorithms while simultaneously addressing contemporary issues like fake news, news feeds, and technology "black boxes." Her writing is intellectually interesting and exciting . pleasurable and impressive scholarship. She models excellence, and Bucher shows how we can do .

    If … Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics - Oxford Academic ~ Rather, she sees politics as “ways of world-making” and, with a nod to the “ontological politics” of the Science and Technology Studies school, argues that algorithms are political, to the extent that “they help make the world appear in certain ways rather than others” (p. 3). As for power, Bucher takes the Foucauldian view of power as immanent, with the power of algorithms being .

    IfThen: Algorithmic Power and Politics - Oxford Scholarship ~ THEN provides an account of power and politics in the algorithmic media landscape that pays attention to the multiple realities of algorithms, and how these relate and coexist. The argument is made that algorithms do not merely have power and politics; they help to produce certain forms of acting and knowing in the world. In processing, classifying, sorting, and ranking data, algorithms are .

    IfThen: Algorithmic Power and Politics (Oxford Studies ~ : If.Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics (Oxford Studies in Digital Politics) (9780190493035): Bucher, Taina: Books . Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App. Related video shorts (0) Upload your video. Be the first video Your name here. Customer reviews. 5.0 out of 5 stars. 5 out of 5 . 4 global ratings. 5 star 100% 4 star 0% (0%) 0% 3 star 0% (0%) 0% 2 star .

    If Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics - Taina Bucher ~ Taina Bucher is Associate Professor of Communication and IT at the University of Copenhagen. Her research focuses on the power and politics of algorithms in everyday life at the intersection of media studies, sociology and science, and technology studies.

    If then : algorithmic power and politics in ~ If we truly want to engage with the promises of automation and predictive analytics entailed by the promises of "big data", we also need to understand the contours of algorithmic life that condition such practices. Setting out to explore both the specific uses of algorithms and the cultural forms they generate, this book offers a novel understanding of the power and politics of algorithmic .

    IfThen: Algorithmic Power and Politics (Oxford Studies ~ "Taina Bucher's If.Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics is delightful: she presents multiple engaging critiques about algorithms while simultaneously addressing contemporary issues like fake news, news feeds, and technology "black boxes." Her writing is intellectually interesting and exciting . pleasurable and impressive scholarship. She models excellence, and Bucher shows how we can do .

    IfThen: Algorithmic Power and Politics Oxford Studies ~ Taina Bucher's If.Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics is delightful: she presents multiple engaging critiques about algorithms while simultaneously addressing contemporary issues like fake news, news feeds, and technology "black boxes." Her writing is intellectually interesting and exciting . pleasurable and impressive scholarship. She models excellence, and Bucher shows how we can do .

    Oxford Studies in Digital Politics Ser.: If Then ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Oxford Studies in Digital Politics Ser.: If. Then : Algorithmic Power and Politics by Taina Bucher (2018, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

    If Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics (Oxford Studies ~ 配送商品ならIf. Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics (Oxford Studies in Digital Politics)が通常配送無料。更にならポイント還元本が多数。Bucher, Taina作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも可能。

    IfThen - Paperback - Taina Bucher - Oxford University Press ~ We live in a world in which Google's search algorithms determine how we access information, Facebook's News Feed algorithms shape how we socialize, and Netflix collaborative filtering algorithms choose the media products we consume. As such, we live algorithmic lives. Life, however, is not blindly controlled or determined by algorithms. Nor are we simply victims of an ever-expanding artificial .

    IfThen: Algorithmic Power and Politics (Oxford Studies ~ If.Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics (Oxford Studies in Digital Politics) eBook: Bucher, Taina: .ca: Kindle Store

    IfThen: Algorithmic Power and Politics (Oxford Studies ~ If.Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics (Oxford Studies in Digital Politics) (English Edition) eBook: Bucher, Taina: .mx: Tienda Kindle

    IfThen: Algorithmic Power and Politics / Oxford ~ Taina Bucher is Assistant Professor of Communication and IT at the University of Copenhagen. Her research focuses on the power and politics of algorithms in everyday life at the intersection of media studies, sociology and science, and technology studies.

    ANA OUP 重点书推荐:《如果..然后:算法的权力和政治》: Algorithmic Power and ~ 英文书名:If.Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics (Oxford Studies in Digital Politics) 作 者:Taina Bucher 出 版 社:Oxford University Press 代理公司:ANA/Jessica Wu 页 数:216页 出版时间:2018年8月 代理地区:中国大陆 审读资料:电子稿 类 型:社会科学 内容简介: 如今的我们生活在这样的一个世界里:谷歌的搜索算法 .

    IfThen: Algorithmic Power and Politics Lingua inglese ~ Taina Bucher's If.Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics is delightful: she presents multiple engaging critiques about algorithms while simultaneously addressing contemporary issues like fake news, news feeds, and technology "black boxes." Her writing is intellectually interesting and exciting . pleasurable and impressive scholarship. She models excellence, and Bucher shows how we can do .

    IfThen Algorithmic Power and Politics (Oxford ~ Rather than looking at how technologies shape or are shaped by political institutions, this book is concerned with the ways in which informational infrastructure may be considered political in its capacity to shape social and cultural life. It looks specifically at the conditions of algorithmic life -- how algorithms work, both materially and discursively, to create the conditions for .

    The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power (Oxford ~ Buy The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power (Oxford Studies in Digital Politics) 2 by Chadwick, Andrew (ISBN: 9780190696733) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

    Få IfThen af Taina Bucher som Paperback bog på engelsk ~ Setting out to explore both the specific uses of algorithms and the cultural forms they generate, this book offers a novel understanding of the power and politics of algorithmic life as grounded in case studies that explore the material-discursivedimensions of software. Andre udgaver: Bog, hardback E-bog, PDF E-bog, ePub. Vis mere Vis mindre

    Taina Bucher - Department of Media and Communication ~ Bucher, T. (2018) IF…THEN: Algorithmic power and politics. New York: Oxford University Press. Bucher, T. (2018) Cleavage Control: Three stories about algorithmic culture and power in the case of the YouTube ‘Reply Girls’, in Papacharissi, Z. (Ed.) A Networked Self: Platforms, Stories, Connections. New York: Routledge. Bucher, T. (2018) Data and algorithms, in L. Lievrouw and B. Loader .

    The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power (Oxford ~ The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power (Oxford Studies in Digital Politics) eBook: Chadwick, Andrew: .in: Kindle Store

    Heidrun Allert: Algorithmen und Ungleichheit ~ Bucher, Taina (2018). IF…THEN: Algorithmic power and politics. Oxford University Press. Dourish, Paul (2016). Algorithms and their others: algorithmic culture in contect. In: Big Data & Society, 3 (2), S. 1–11. DOI: 10.11.77/2053951716665128. Gran, Anne-Britt/Booth, Peter/Bucher, Taina (2020). To be or not to be algorithm aware: a question .

    Buy The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power (Oxford ~ .in - Buy The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power (Oxford Studies in Digital Politics) book online at best prices in India on .in. Read The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power (Oxford Studies in Digital Politics) book reviews & author details and more at .in. Free delivery on qualified orders.

    We Are Data: Algorithms and The Making of Our Digital ~ What identity means in an algorithmic age: how it works, how our lives are controlled by it, and how we can resist it . Algorithms are everywhere, organizing the near limitless data that exists in our world. Derived from our every search, like, click, and purchase, algorithms determine the news we get, the ads we see, the information accessible to us and even who our friends are. These complex .

    Agency and the Posthuman Shape of Law / SpringerLink ~ Algorithmic Governance. Algorithmic Governance pp 67-88 / Cite as. Agency and the Posthuman Shape of Law. Authors; Authors and affiliations; Ignas Kalpokas; Chapter. First Online: 16 October 2019. 208 Downloads; Abstract. The changes and transformations described in the previous chapters necessitate a reconsideration of human agency. However, it is important not to jump to conclusions: whereas .