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    The Internet of Things: What Everyone Needs to Know®

    Beschreibung The Internet of Things: What Everyone Needs to Know®. The Internet of Things (IoT) is the notion that nearly everything we use, from gym shorts to streetlights, will soon be connected to the Internet; the Internet of Everything (IoE) encompasses not just objects, but the social connections, data, and processes that the IoT makes possible. Industry and financial analysts have predicted that the number of Internet-enabled devices will increase from 11 billion to upwards of 75 billion by 2020. Regardless of the number, the end result looks to be a mind-boggling explosion in Internet connected stuff. Yet, there has been relatively little attention paid to how we should go about regulating smart devices, and still less about how cybersecurity should be enhanced. Similarly, now that everything from refrigerators to stock exchanges can be connected to a ubiquitous Internet, how can we better safeguard privacy across networks and borders? Will security scale along with this increasingly crowded field? Or, will a combination of perverse incentives, increasing complexity, and new problems derail progress and exacerbate cyber insecurity? For all the press that such questions have received, the Internet of Everything remains a topic little understood or appreciated by the public.This volume demystifies our increasingly "smart" world, and unpacks many of the outstanding security, privacy, ethical, and policy challenges and opportunities represented by the IoE. Scott J. Shackelford provides real-world examples and straightforward discussion about how the IoE is impacting our lives, companies, and nations, and explain how it is increasingly shaping the international community in the twenty-first century. Are there any downsides of your phone being able to unlock your front door, start your car, and control your thermostat? Is your smart speaker always listening? How are other countries dealing with these issues? This book answers these questions, and more, along with offering practical guidance for how you can join the effort to help build an Internet of Everything that is as secure, private, efficient, and fun as possible.

    Buch The Internet of Things: What Everyone Needs to Know® PDF ePub

    The Internet of Things (IoT): An Overview / Internet Society ~ Executive Summary. The Internet of Things is an emerging topic of technical, social, and economic significance. Consumer products, durable goods, cars and trucks, industrial and utility components, sensors, and other everyday objects are being combined with Internet connectivity and powerful data analytic capabilities that promise to transform the way we work, live, and play.

    “An Introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT)” ~ “If we had computers that knew everything there was to know about things—using data they gathered without any help from us -- we would be able to track and count everything, and greatly reduce waste, loss and cost. We would know when things needed replacing, repairing or recalling, and whether they were fresh or past their best. We need to empower computers with their own means of .

    What is the IoT? Everything you need to know about the ~ What is the IoT? Everything you need to know about the Internet of Things right now. Updated: The Internet of Things explained. What the IoT is, and where it's going next.

    What is IoT? - A Simple Explanation of the Internet of Things ~ The Internet of Things extends the internet beyond computers and smartphones to a whole range of other things, processes and environments. IoT For All is a leading technology media platform dedicated to providing the highest-quality, unbiased content, resources, and news centered on the Internet of Things and related disciplines.

    An Introduction to Programming the Internet of Things (IOT ~ Offered by University of California, Irvine. Design, create, and deploy a fun IoT device using Arduino and Raspberry Pi platforms. This Specialization covers embedded systems, the Raspberry Pi Platform, and the Arduino environment for building devices that can control the physical world. In the final Capstone Project, you’ll apply the skills you learned by designing, building, and testing a .

    11 Internet of Things (IoT) Protocols You Need to Know About ~ 11 Internet of Things (IoT) Protocols You Need to Know About Follow article. RS Components 20 Apr 2015. 22 10 0. There exists an almost bewildering choice of connectivity options for electronics engineers and application developers working on products and systems for the Internet of Things (IoT). Many communication technologies are well known such as WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee and 2G/3G/4G .

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    What is the Internet of Things, and how does it work? ~ In a nutshell, the Internet of Things is the concept of connecting any device (so long as it has an on/off switch) to the Internet and to other connected devices. The IoT is a giant network of connected things and people – all of which collect and share data about the way they are used and about the environment around them.

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    What is the internet of things? / Internet of things / The ~ The internet of things (or as it’s also known, IoT) isn’t new: tech companies and pundits have been discussing the idea for decades, and the first internet-connected toaster was unveiled at a .

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