Beschreibung Teaching English Overseas: An Introduction (Oxford Handbooks For Language Teachers). This book focuses on the ways in which social, political, economic, and cultural factors can influence language teaching, and looks at the effects of a country's educational and institutional structure on the English-learning classroom.
Teaching English overseas : an introduction (Book, 1992 ~ Get this from a library! Teaching English overseas : an introduction. [Sandra L McKay] -- Looks at the way in which social, political, economic, and cultural factors can influence the language classroom. This book also contains practical suggestions on how to cope with the professional .
Teaching English Overseas: An Introduction (Oxford ~ Teaching English Overseas: An Introduction (Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers Series) [McKay, Sandra Lee] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Teaching English Overseas: An Introduction (Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers Series)
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English for Primary Teachers with Audio CD / Professional ~ This book is an easy to use introduction to teaching English to children in elementary grades. It offers advice and practical teaching tips while building teachers' confidence in their ability to use classroom English effectively. The audio CD gives examples of language from actual classrooms. Part of: Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers ISBN: 978-0-19-437562-7; Price: $ 29.00 Pages: 160 .
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