Beschreibung Harding, K: Going International: English for Tourism. This is an upper-intermediate English language course aimed at people training for or already employed in the tourism industry. It replaces Five Star English and will have a broad international appeal. The syllabus is topic-based. Each of the twelve units offers a range of reading and listening tasks developed from authentic sources, practising language in ways that students will use it in real life, e.g. role plays using the language of complaint, or planning a tour. (1998-03-31)
Harding Keith. Going International. Student's Book ~ Harding Keith. Going International. Student's Book. English for Tourism . Файл формата pdf; размером 96,59 МБ; Добавлен пользователем Анатолій. 15.09.2011 23:14; Отредактирован 18.09.2011 02:08; Oxford University Press, 1998. — 200 p. A course which equips students for the competitive environment of international tourism .
Studystore / Going International: English For Tourism ~ Koop Going International: English For Tourism Student's Book van Harding, K. met ISBN 9780194574006. Gratis verzending, Slim studeren.
Tourism / United States / Oxford University Press ~ Tourism 1 (Provision) addresses the areas of tourism related to the creation, promotion, and selling of typical tourism products, such as flights and package holidays. Tourism 2 (Encounters) presents students with the English they need for face-to-face contact with tourists and holidaymakers. Tourism 3 (Management) covers the language needed to discuss and work with tourism issues at a basic .
Wood Neil. Tourism and Catering Workshop [PDF] - Все для ~ Harding Keith. Going International. Student's Book. English for Tourism. pdf; Раздел: Для специалистов / English for Specific Purposes → Для туризма и гостиничного бизнеса / English for Tourism and Hotel Business; Oxford University Press, 1998. — 200 p. A course which equips students for the competitive environment of international tourism .
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International Express / Business and English for Specific ~ Review of International Express Intermediate by Pete Sharma for the Bournemouth English Book Centre, published in May 2014 issue of EL Gazette. The first edition of International Express was innovative, providing a new course for adult professional learners. This third edition contains completely new material, and the layout is instantly recognisable. The ten units consist of four strand
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Lifelong Language Learner: записи сообщества / ВКонтакте ~ English for the Hotel and Tourist Industry. 2) Highly Recommended: English for the Hotel and Catering Industry 2 (SB, WB, TB, CD). Rod Revell, Trish Stott. Oxford University Press. 3) Be My Guest - English for the Hotel Industry Student's Book + 2 Audio CDs. Francis O'Hara. Cambridge University Press . Hotel Vocabulary.pdf. 169 КБ. Hotel Vocabulary Quiz.pdf. 178 КБ. Taking a Reservation.pd
TESTS WITH ANSWERS ~ New International Business English UNIT 1Face to face Vocabulary EXCERCISE 1 Choose the best word to fit the gap. 1 It’s important to understand how other cultures behave so you don’t cause . A offence B problem C disaster D behaviour 2 In some countries it is quite to use the correct title when talking to business colleagues. A offensive B likely C formal D tricky 3 Having good may help .
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Duckworth Michael. At Your Service. English for the Travel ~ Oxford University Press, 1996 January 25 . 66 p. ISBN-10: 0194513203, ISBN-13: 978-0194513203. Language: American English. At your service English for travel and Tourist Industry - this course is for people training to work in hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, tourisy information centres,.
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Tourism & Visit - ~ Tourism & Visit A foreign national traveling to the United States for tourism needs a visitor visa (B-2) unless qualifying for entry under the Visa Waiver Program. Tourism is a short visit for vacation, for visiting family and friends, or for medical treatment.
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