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    The Economics of Chocolate

    Beschreibung The Economics of Chocolate. This book, written by global experts, provides a comprehensive and topical analysis on the economics of chocolate. While the main approach is economic analysis, there are important contributions from other disciplines, including psychology, history, government, nutrition, and geography. The chapters are organized around several themes, including the history of cocoa and chocolate -- from cocoa drinks in the Maya empire to the growing sales of Belgian chocolates in China; how governments have used cocoa and chocolate as a source of tax revenue and have regulated chocolate (and defined it by law) to protect consumers' health from fraud and industries from competition; how the poor cocoa producers in developing countries are linked through trade and multinational companies with rich consumers in industrialized countries; and how the rise of consumption in emerging markets (China, India, and Africa) is causing a major boom in global demand and prices, and a potential shortage of the world's chocolate.

    Buch The Economics of Chocolate PDF ePub

    The Economics of Chocolate - Hardcover - Mara P ~ This book, written by global experts, provides a comprehensive and topical analysis on the economics of chocolate. While the main approach is economic analysis, there are important contributions from other disciplines, including psychology, history, government, nutrition, and geography. The chapters are organized around several themes, including .

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    : The Economics of Chocolate eBook: Squicciarini ~ The Economics of Chocolate Hardcover – Mara P. Squicciarini (editor), Johan Swinnen At nearly 500 pages, this is a long but rewarding read. The book contains 22 scholarly essays covering various aspects of the chocolate economy wordwide in depth, each chapter containing dozens of references. It seems aimed at being the comprehensive and final word on the topic up to the present date. In brief, the esssays are divided into 5 chapters which cover history (economics, consumption .

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