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    The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms (Oxford Handbooks)

    Beschreibung The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms (Oxford Handbooks). Over the past three decades the Professional Service Firm (PSF) sector has emerged as one of the most rapidly growing, profitable, and significant in the global economy. In 2013 the accountancy, management consulting, legal, and architectural sectors alone generated revenues of US$ 1.6 trillion and employed 14 million people.PSFs play an important role in developing human capital, creating innovative business services, reshaping government institutions, establishing and interpreting the rules of financial markets, and setting legal, accounting and other professional standards. The study of PSFs can offer insights into the contemporary challenges facing organizations within the knowledge economy, and deepen understanding of more conventional organizations. Despite their significance, however, PSFs have until recently remained very much in the shadows of organizational and management research.The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms marks the coming of age of PSF scholarship with a comprehensive and integrative exploration of current research and thinking on PSFs, featuring contributions from internationally renowned scholars in the fields of organizational and management studies. It is divided into three distinct sections - the professions, the firms, and the professionals that work within them - and covers subjects from governance and leadership to regulation, entrepreneurship, and diversity.Bringing together a broad range of empirical and theoretical perspectives, the Handbook offers many potentially important insights into the contemporary challenges of organizations in the knowledge economy and suggests new lines of inquiry that may shed further light on the activities and performance of PSFs and the professionals who work within them.

    Buch The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms (Oxford Handbooks) PDF ePub

    The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms (Oxford ~ The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms (Oxford Handbooks) / Laura Empson, Daniel Muzio, Joseph Broschak, Bob Hinings / ISBN: 9780198799566 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms - Oxford ~ The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms marks the coming of age of PSF scholarship with a comprehensive and integrative exploration of current research and thinking on PSFs, featuring contributions from internationally renowned scholars in the fields of organizational and management studies. It examines the professions, the firms, and the professionals that work within them and .

    The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms ~ The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms Edited by Laura Empson, Daniel Muzio, Joseph Broschak, and Bob Hinings Oxford Handbooks. Features 21 specially-commissioned chapters by more than 40 leading academics; Offers important insights into the contemporary challenges of organizations

    Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms - Oxford ~ PRINTED FROM OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE (www.oxfordhandbooks). . The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms; Acknowledgments; List of Figures; List of Tables; List of Contributors; Researching Professional Service Firms: An Introduction and Overview; Theoretical Perspectives on the Professions; Dynamics of Regulation of Professional Service Firms: National and Transnational .

    Professional Service Firms and Identity - Oxford Handbooks ~ This chapter examines the relationship between individual and organizational identity in PSFs and the significant but tenuous nature of elite identity in this context. The authors identify four main identity-related issues for management control in PSFs: autonomy/conformity tensions, the client conundrum, ambiguity saturation, and intangibility.

    The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms (Oxford ~ The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms marks the coming of age of PSF scholarship with a comprehensive and integrative exploration of current research and thinking on PSFs, featuring contributions from internationally renowned scholars in the fields of organizational and management studies. It is divided into three distinct sections - the professions, the firms, and the .

    Researching Professional Service Firms - Oxford Handbooks ~ The chapter begins by examining the significance of Professional Service Firms (PSFs) in terms of their scale and significance from an economic and societal perspective, and the insights they offer for academic theory. The authors examine how PSFs have remained “in the shadows,” in terms of their visibility within the economy and within scholarly research, and how and why that situation is .

    The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms (Oxford ~ The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms (Oxford Handbooks) - Kindle edition by Empson, Laura, Muzio, Daniel, Broschak, Joseph, Hinings, Bob. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms (Oxford Handbooks).

    The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms (Oxford ~ Buy The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms (Oxford Handbooks) Reprint by Empson, Laura, Muzio, Daniel, Broschak, Joseph, Hinings, Bob (ISBN: 9780198799566) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

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    The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms (Oxford ~ Compre The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms (Oxford Handbooks) (English Edition) de Empson, Laura, Muzio, Daniel, Broschak, Joseph, Hinings, Bob na .br. Confira também os eBooks mais vendidos, lançamentos e livros digitais exclusivos.

    Oxford Handbooks - Oxford University Press ~ Oxford Handbooks offer authoritative and up-to-date surveys of original research in a particular subject area. Specially commissioned essays from leading figures in the discipline give critical examinations of the progress and direction of debates, as well as a foundation for future research.

    The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms (Oxford ~ The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms is my single most valuable book. I refer to it constantly when writing, reviewing, and thinking about professional service firms. I applaud the editors and authors for their scholarship and care in producing such a comprehensive and user-friendly resource.

    Professional Ethics - Oxford Handbooks ~ This chapter introduces professional ethics as a specific example of applied or practical ethics. The authors provide a short review of the literature on theoretical and applied ethics in order to give context for the subsequent discussion. They examine three foundational concepts of professional ethics: codes adopted by professional bodies, professional autonomy, and the contested role of .

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