Beschreibung Culture on Tour: Ethnographies of Travel. Recruited to be a lecturer on a group tour of Indonesia, Edward M. Bruner decided to make the tourists aware of tourism itself. He photographed tourists photographing Indonesians, asking the group how they felt having their pictures taken without their permission. After a dance performance, Bruner explained to the group that the exhibition was not traditional, but instead had been set up specifically for tourists. His efforts to induce reflexivity led to conflict with the tour company, which wanted the displays to be viewed as replicas of culture and to remain unexamined. Although Bruner was eventually fired, the experience became part of a sustained exploration of tourist performances, narratives, and practices. Synthesizing more than twenty years of research in cultural tourism, Culture on Tour analyzes a remarkable variety of tourist productions, ranging from safari excursions in Kenya and dance dramas in Bali to an Abraham Lincoln heritage site in Illinois. Bruner examines each site in all its particularity, taking account of global and local factors, as well as the multiple perspectives of the various actors—the tourists, the producers, the locals, and even the anthropologist himself. The collection will be essential to those in the field as well as to readers interested in globalization and travel.
Culture on Tour: Ethnographies of Travel: ~ Culture on Tour: Ethnographies of Travel / Bruner, Edward M. / ISBN: 9780226077635 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
CULTURE ON TOUR: ETHNOGRAPHIES OF TRAVEL BY Bruner, Edward ~ (CULTURE ON TOUR: ETHNOGRAPHIES OF TRAVEL) BY Bruner, Edward M.(Author)Paperback Nov-2004 / Edward M. Bruner / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Culture on Tour: Ethnographies of Travel, Bruner ~ "Edward M. Bruner’s Culture on Tour: Ethnographies of Travel is a bracing compendium of anthropological essays decoding specific tourist sites. . . . Bruner’s emphasis is on complexity and process; he declines to disparage tourists as a class or to assume that local residents are objects of exploitation. He sees multiple, competing meanings in individual sites, contrasting meanings in .
Culture on Tour: Ethnographies of Travel: Bruner, Edward M ~ "Edward M. Bruner's Culture on Tour: Ethnographies of Travel is a bracing compendium of anthropological essays decoding specific tourist sites. . . . Bruner's emphasis is on complexity and process; he declines to disparage tourists as a class or to assume that local residents are objects of exploitation. He sees multiple, competing meanings in individual sites, contrasting meanings in .
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Culture on Tour: Ethnographies of Travel / Edition 1 by ~ Edward M. Bruner's Culture on Tour: Ethnographies of Travel is a bracing compendium of anthropological essays decoding specific tourist sites. . . . Bruner's emphasis is on complexity and process; he declines to disparage tourists as a class or to assume that local residents are objects of exploitation. He sees multiple, competing meanings in individual sites, contrasting meanings in different .
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