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    Windows into the Soul: Surveillance and Society in an Age of High Technology

    Beschreibung Windows into the Soul: Surveillance and Society in an Age of High Technology. We live in an age saturated with surveillance. Our personal and public lives are increasingly on display for governments, merchants, employers, hackers—and the merely curious—to see. In Windows into the Soul, Gary T. Marx, a central figure in the rapidly expanding field of surveillance studies, argues that surveillance itself is neither good nor bad, but that context and comportment make it so. In this landmark book, Marx sums up a lifetime of work on issues of surveillance and social control by disentangling and parsing the empirical richness of watching and being watched. Using fictional narratives as well as the findings of social science, Marx draws on decades of studies of covert policing, computer profiling, location and work monitoring, drug testing, caller identification, and much more, Marx gives us a conceptual language to understand the new realities and his work clearly emphasizes the paradoxes, trade-offs, and confusion enveloping the field. Windows into the Soul shows how surveillance can penetrate our social and personal lives in profound, and sometimes harrowing, ways. Ultimately, Marx argues, recognizing complexity and asking the right questions is essential to bringing light and accountability to the darker, more iniquitous corners of our emerging surveillance society. For more information, please see www.garymarx.net.

    Buch Windows into the Soul: Surveillance and Society in an Age of High Technology PDF ePub

    Privacy in the Age of High Technology: Gary Marx: Windows ~ Gary Marx: Windows Into the Soul: Surveillance and Society in the Age of High Technology Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019, 400 p., $30.00.

    Welcome to the Home Page of Professor Gary T. Marx ~ Windows Into The Soul: Surveillance and Society in an Age of High Technology (University of Chicago Press, 2018.) Expanded version of paper in Society, vol. 56:5. Buy this book. Book Reviews for Windows into the Soul: Surveillance and Society in an Age of High Technology. A satirical self-book review of Windows Into The Soul—by Gary T. Marx The American Sociologist, vol. 50, no. 4, Dec. 2019 .

    Windows Into the Soul: Surveillance and Society in an Age ~ Windows into the Soul shows how surveillance can penetrate our social and personal lives in profound, and sometimes harrowing, ways. Ultimately, Marx argues, recognizing complexity and asking the right questions is essential to bringing light and accountability to the darker, more iniquitous corners of our emerging surveillance society.

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