Beschreibung Craving Earth: Understanding Pica--the Urge to Eat Clay, Starch, Ice, and Chalk. Humans have eaten earth, on purpose, for more than 2,300 years. They also crave starch, ice, chalk, and other unorthodox items of food. Some even claim they are addicted and "go crazy" without these items, but why?Sifting through extensive historical, ethnographic, and biomedical findings, Sera L. Young creates a portrait of pica, or nonfood cravings, from humans' earliest ingestions to current trends and practices. In engaging detail, she describes the substances most frequently consumed and the many methods (including the Internet) used to obtain them. She reveals how pica is remarkably prevalent (it occurs in nearly every human culture and throughout the animal kingdom), identifies its most avid partakers (pregnant women and young children), and describes the potentially healthful and harmful effects. She evaluates the many hypotheses about the causes of pica, from the fantastical to the scientific, including hunger, nutritional deficiencies, and protective capacities. Never has a book examined pica so thoroughly or accessibly, merging absorbing history with intimate case studies to illuminate an enigmatic behavior deeply entwined with human biology and culture.
Craving Earth: Understanding Pica—the Urge to Eat Clay ~ MAMA SHARIFA eats chunks from the earthen wall of her outdoor kitchen in Zanzibar, while in Washington, D.C., Pat crunches through a ten-pound bag of ice from 7-Eleven every day. In New Delhi, Simran starts her morning with a handful of uncooked rice, and in Mississippi, Tanya eats Argo cornstarch .
Craving Earth: Understanding Pica—the Urge to Eat Clay ~ Craving Earth is compelling, encyclopedic, and distinctively quirky-an engaging account of eating, soil chemistry, history, religion, ethnography, nutrition, and the social media. It is a book to inspire students and capture the imagination of any reader of the mysteries of geophagia and the idiosyncracies of social life.
Craving Earth: Understanding Pica―the Urge to Eat Clay ~ Craving Earth: Understanding Pica―the Urge to Eat Clay, Starch, Ice, and Chalk [Young, Sera] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Craving Earth: Understanding Pica―the Urge to Eat Clay, Starch, Ice, and Chalk
Craving Earth: Understanding Pica: The Urge to Eat, Clay ~ Craving Earth: Understanding Pica: The Urge to Eat, Clay, Starch, Ice and Chalk 2012-10-01 00:00:00 the bookshelf / author name Books in Review In This Issue Craving Earth: Understanding Pica: The Urge to Eat, Clay, Starch, Ice and Chalk Sera L . Young Tomatoland: How Modern Agriculture Destroyed Our Most Alluring Fruit Barry Estabrook Consumption, Trade and Innovation: Exploring the Botanical .
Craving Earth: Understanding Pica--the Urge to Eat Clay ~ Craving Earth: Understanding Pica--the Urge to Eat Clay, Starch, Ice, and Chalk Paperback – 21 Aug. 2012 by Sera Young (Author) 4.8 out of 5 stars 9 ratings
Craving Earth: Understanding Pica―the Urge to Eat Clay ~ Craving Earth: Understanding Pica―the Urge to Eat Clay, Starch, Ice, and Chalk: Young, Sera: 9780231146098: Books - .ca
Craving Earth: Understanding Pica—the Urge to Eat Clay ~ Achetez et téléchargez ebook Craving Earth: Understanding Pica—the Urge to Eat Clay, Starch, Ice, and Chalk (English Edition): Boutique Kindle - Sociology :
Craving Earth Understanding Picathe Urge To Eat Clay ~ Clay Starch Ice And Chalk ~, craving earth understanding pica the urge to eat clay starch ice and chalk paperback illustrated august 14 2012 by sera young author 48 out of 5 stars 10 ratings craving earth understanding pica the urge to eat clay starch ice and chalk kindle edition by sera young author format kindle edition 48 out of 5 stars 10 ratings they also crave starch ice chalk and other .
Craving Earth Understanding Picathe Urge To Eat Clay ~ craving earth understanding pica the urge to eat clay starch ice and chalk by sera l young columbia university press 240pp gbp1950 isbn 9780231146081 published 18 march 2011 pica the urge to eat clay starch ice and chalk has been a phenomenon among humans particularly women for a very long time in her new book nutritionist and medical anthropologist sera young seeks to answer why some people .
Craving Earth Understanding Picathe Urge To Eat Clay ~ craving earth understanding picathe urge to eat clay starch ice and chalk pdf Favorite eBook Reading orders craving earth understanding pica the urge to eat clay starch ice and chalk paperback 21 aug 2012 by sera young author 48 out of 5 stars 9 ratings see all formats and editions craving earth understanding pica the urge to eat clay starch ice and chalk craving earth understanding pica the .
Understanding Pica--the Urge to Eat Clay, Starch, Ice, and Chalk ~ The urge to eat clay, starch, ice and chalk has been a phenomenon among humans, particularly women, for a very long time. Nutritional scientist Sera Young discussed her new book, 'Craving Earth .
Crazy Cravings: 'I've been eating chalk for over twenty ~ Ebook Craving Earth: Understanding Pica_the Urge to Eat Clay, Starch, Ice, and Chalk Free Read. Uxahmwkjr. 0:22. PDF Download Craving Earth Understanding Picathe Urge to Eat Clay Starch Ice and Chalk Download Full Ebook. Loupriar. 0:28. Best Seller Craving Earth: Understanding Pica_the Urge to Eat Clay, Starch, Ice, and Chalk Free . Uxahmwkjr. 0:25 [Get] Craving Earth: Understanding Pica_the .
Craving Earth – Understanding Pica—the Urge to Eat Clay ~ Craving Earth is surely the most in-depth, revealing, and readable publication ever undertaken on geophagia and other aspects of pica. A must read for experts, while also a most enjoyable read for anyone else.Lenore Manderson, Monash University, Australia, and editor, Medical Anthropology:Craving Earth is compelling, encyclopedic, and distinctively quirky-an engaging account of eating, soil .
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Craving Earth: Understanding Pica, the Urge to Eat Clay ~ Craving Earth: Understanding Pica, the Urge to Eat Clay, Starch, Ice, and Chalk: : Sera L. Young: Libri in altre lingue
'Craving Earth' book talk by Sera Young - CornellCast ~ The urge to eat clay, starch, ice and chalk has been a phenomenon among humans, particularly women, for a very long time. Nutritional scientist Sera Young discussed her new book, 'Craving Earth: Understanding Pica--the Urge to Eat Clay, Starch, Ice, and Chalk,' November 3, 2011 as part of Mann Library's Chats in the Stacks series.
Craving Earth - Walter de Gruyter ~ They also crave starch, ice, chalk, and other unorthodox food items. Some even claim they are "addicted" and "go crazy" without these items. Sifting through extensive historical, ethnographic, and biomedical findings, Sera L. Young creates a portrait of pica, or nonfood cravings, from humans' earliest ingestions to current trends and practices. In engaging detail, she describes the substances .
Erdeessen – Wikipedia ~ Sera Young: Craving Earth: Understanding Pica – the Urge to Eat Clay, Starch, Ice, and Chalk. Columbia University Press, 2012, ISBN 978-0-231-14609-8 . Berthold Laufer: Geophagy , Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History.
sunbake - Wiktionary ~ 2011, Sera L. Young, Craving Earth: Understanding Pica: the Urge to Eat Clay, Starch, Ice, and Chalk, page 64, Larvae do not survive well in the clayey soils preferred by most geophagists, and if they do, they are generally killed by the sunbaking, air drying, and heating that many geophagists do to their soil prior to consumption (cf. chapter 1).
The Science of Hunger How to Control It and Fight Cravings ~ Posted June 27th, 2020 by rify. A New Set Of Cravings Life from the Writings of John Jones
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Petrichor – Wikipedia ~ So beschreibt Sera L. Young in ihrem Buch Craving Earth ethnographische Interviews, bei denen die Testpersonen während ihrer Beschreibung des Geruchs von frisch befeuchteter Erde mit erhöhter Speichelproduktion reagierten. Young sieht Petrichor deshalb als wichtigen Faktor bei der Auswahl für die Eignung des Bodens zum Verzehr. Forscher des Massachusetts Institute of Technology fanden im .
Pica-Syndrom – Wikipedia ~ Als Pica oder Pica-Syndrom – nach lat.: pica (Elster) – wird eine seltene Essstörung bezeichnet, bei der Menschen Dinge zu sich nehmen, die allgemein als ungenießbar oder auch ekelerregend angesehen werden. Die ebenfalls übliche Bezeichnung Pikazismus wurde früher für ungewöhnliche Essgelüste Schwangerer verwendet. Auch der Ausdruck Allotriophagie (von gr. allotrios ‚fremd‘ und .