Beschreibung Bits to Bitcoin: How Our Digital Stuff Works (Mit Press). An accessible guide to our digital infrastructure, explaining the basics of operating systems, networks, security, and other topics for the general reader.Most of us feel at home in front of a computer; we own smartphones, tablets, and laptops; we look things up online and check social media to see what our friends are doing. But we may be a bit fuzzy about how any of this really works. In Bits to Bitcoin, Mark Stuart Day offers an accessible guide to our digital infrastructure, explaining the basics of operating systems, networks, security, and related topics for the general reader. He takes the reader from a single process to multiple processes that interact with each other; he explores processes that fail and processes that overcome failures; and he examines processes that attack each other or defend themselves against attacks. Day tells us that steps are digital but ramps are analog; that computation is about “doing something with stuff” and that both the “stuff” and the “doing” can be digital. He explains timesharing, deadlock, and thrashing; virtual memory and virtual machines; packets and networks; resources and servers; secret keys and public keys; Moore's law and Thompson's hack. He describes how building in redundancy guards against failure and how endpoints communicate across the Internet. He explains why programs crash or have other bugs, why they are attacked by viruses, and why those problems are hard to fix. Finally, after examining secrets, trust, and cheating, he explains the mechanisms that allow the Bitcoin system to record money transfers accurately while fending off attacks.
Bits to Bitcoin / The MIT Press ~ An accessible guide to our digital infrastructure, explaining the basics of operating systems, networks, security, and other topics for the general reader. Most of us feel at home in front of a computer; we own smartphones, tablets, and laptops; we look things up online and check social media to see what our friends are doing. But we may be a bit fuzzy about how any of this really works. In .
Bits to Bitcoin: How Our Digital Stuff Works / MITP eBooks ~ Book Type: MIT Press Online ISBN: 9780262346498 Author(s): Mark Stuart Day; C.A. Jennings; IEEE Account . Change Username/Password; Update Address .
Bits to bitcoin how our digital stuff works ~ Bibliographische Detailangaben; Personen und Körperschaften: Day, Mark Stuart (VerfasserIn), Jennings, C. A. (IllustratorIn): Titel: Bits to bitcoin how our digital stuff works Mark Stuart Day ; with illustrations by C. A. Jennings
(Book) Bits to Bitcoin: How Our Digital Stuff Works ~ (Book) Bits to Bitcoin: How Our Digital Stuff Works. An accessible guide to our digital infrastructure, explaining the basics of operating systems, networks, security, and other topics for the general reader. Published by MIT Press, 2018. Most of us feel at home in front of a computer; we own smartphones, tablets, and laptops; we look things up online and check social media to see what our .
: Bits to Bitcoin: How Our Digital Stuff Works ~ : Bits to Bitcoin: How Our Digital Stuff Works (The MIT Press) (9780262037938): Day, Mark Stuart, Jennings, C.A.: Books . Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App. Videos. Page 1 of 1 Start Over Page 1 of 1. Previous page. Videos for this product. 2:04 . Click to play video . The author's children "correct" the author's summary . Mark Stuart Day. Videos for this .
Russell's Paradox / The MIT Press ~ Bits to Bitcoin is an accessible guide to our digital infrastructure, explaining the basics of operating systems, networks, security, and other topics for the general reader. Russellâs Paradox. Read Archive. To work our way up to this sort of self-mirroring and the problems that arise, letâs consider an even earlier logic problem called .
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