Beschreibung Recoding Gender (History of Computing): Women's Changing Participation in Computing. The untold history of women and computing: how pioneering women succeeded in a field shaped by gender biases.Today, women earn a relatively low percentage of computer science degrees and hold proportionately few technical computing jobs. Meanwhile, the stereotype of the male “computer geek” seems to be everywhere in popular culture. Few people know that women were a significant presence in the early decades of computing in both the United States and Britain. Indeed, programming in postwar years was considered woman's work (perhaps in contrast to the more manly task of building the computers themselves). In Recoding Gender, Janet Abbate explores the untold history of women in computer science and programming from the Second World War to the late twentieth century. Demonstrating how gender has shaped the culture of computing, she offers a valuable historical perspective on today's concerns over women's underrepresentation in the field.Abbate describes the experiences of women who worked with the earliest electronic digital computers: Colossus, the wartime codebreaking computer at Bletchley Park outside London, and the American ENIAC, developed to calculate ballistics. She examines postwar methods for recruiting programmers, and the 1960s redefinition of programming as the more masculine “software engineering.” She describes the social and business innovations of two early software entrepreneurs, Elsie Shutt and Stephanie Shirley; and she examines the career paths of women in academic computer science.Abbate's account of the bold and creative strategies of women who loved computing work, excelled at it, and forged successful careers will provide inspiration for those working to change gendered computing culture.
Recoding Gender: Women's Changing Participation in Computing ~ In Recoding Gender, Janet Abbate explores the untold history of women in computer science and programming from the Second World War to the late twentieth century. Demonstrating how gender has shaped the culture of computing, she offers a valuable historical perspective on today's concerns over women's underrepresentation in the field. Abbate describes the experiences of women who worked with the earliest electronic digital computers: Colossus, the wartime codebreaking computer at Bletchley .
Recoding Gender / The MIT Press ~ In Recoding Gender, Janet Abbate explores the untold history of women in computer science and programming from the Second World War to the late twentieth century. Demonstrating how gender has shaped the culture of computing, she offers a valuable historical perspective on today's concerns over women's underrepresentation in the field.Abbate describes the experiences of women who worked with the earliest electronic digital computers: Colossus, the wartime codebreaking computer at Bletchley .
Recoding Gender: Women's Changing Participation in ~ In Recoding Gender, Janet Abbate explores the untold history of women in computer science and programming from the Second World War to the late twentieth century. Demonstrating how gender has shaped the culture of computing, she offers a valuable historical perspective on today's concerns over women's underrepresentation in the field.Abbate describes the experiences of women who worked with .
Full E-book Recoding Gender: Women's Changing ~ In Recoding Gender, Janet Abbate explores the untold history of women in computer science and programming from the Second World War to the late twentieth century. Demonstrating how gender has shaped the culture of computing, she offers a valuable historical perspective on today's concerns over women's underrepresentation in the field.Abbate describes the experiences of women who worked with .
Recoding Gender - Women`s Changing Participation in ~ In Recoding Gender, Janet Abbate explores the untold history of women in computer science and programming from the Second World War to the late twentieth century. Demonstrating how gender has shaped the culture of computing, she offers a valuable historical perspective on today's concerns over women's underrepresentation in the field. Abbate describes the experiences of women who worked with the earliest electronic digital computers: Colossus, the wartime codebreaking computer at Bletchley .
History of Computing Ser.: Recoding Gender : Women's ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for History of Computing Ser.: Recoding Gender : Women's Changing Participation in Computing by Janet Abbate (2012, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Recoding Gender (History of Computing): : Janet ~ Recoding Gender (History of Computing) / Janet Abbate / ISBN: 9780262534536 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Study: Computer Science Gender Gap Widens Despite Increase ~ The gender gap in computing jobs has gotten worse in the last 30 years, even as computer science job opportunities expand rapidly, according to new research from Accenture and Girls Who Code.
Gender Equality in the Workplace / IWD 2020 / Accenture ~ We believe the future workforce is an equal one and set bold goals to accelerate gender equality. Today, more than 215,000 women work at Accenture. Additionally, 36% of our board of directors and 27% of our global management committee are women. 48%. of new hires are women. 45%. of our global workforce are women. 43%. of revenue producing roles are held by women. 44%. of promotions are women .
De Gruyter – Academic publishing ~ De Gruyter publishes first-class scholarship and has done so for more than 270 years. We are an international, independent publisher headquartered in Berlin.
Women in the Workforce - India: Quick Take / Catalyst ~ Women account for only 19.9% of the total labor force in India. 22; India’s low labor force participation rate for women is due in part to restrictive cultural norms regarding women’s work, the gender wage gap, an increase in time spent for women continuing their education, and a lack of safety policies and flexible work offerings. 23
Women in the Workforce - UK: Quick Take / Catalyst ~ At the undergraduate level, women were 56.7% of all enrolled students 10 and 57.6% of graduates. 11; At the postgraduate level, women were 58.5% of all enrolled students 12 and 59.6% of graduates. 13; In 2018–2019, women were underrepresented in several subject areas of higher education, including: 14. Computer Science = 18.4%
The gender gap in employment: What's holding women back ~ The current global labour force participation rate for women is close to 49%. For men, it’s 75%. That’s a difference of 26 percentage points, with some regions facing a gap of more than 50 percentage points. Explore the gender gap by country. Unemployed or vulnerable. Women who want to work have a harder time finding a job than men. This problem is particularly marked in Northern Africa .
Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the ~ The book has good coverage of the 1800s and early 1900s — a critical time when women’s expanding participation in science was changing the very structure of how knowledge is pursued. Interspersed with gems like a colorful timeline of women’s achievements, and a cartoon celebrating a wonderful hoard of lab supplies, Ignotofsky’s profiles of diverse female scientists is a great addition .
When Women Stopped Coding : Planet Money : NPR ~ When Women Stopped Coding : Planet Money For decades, the share of women majoring in computer science was rising. Then, in the 1980s, something changed.
Women are better off today, but still far from being equal ~ Gender analyses of labour markets tend to look at women’s participation in paid employment compared with men’s – and not the huge informal sector in which so many women work; selling a .
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U.S. video gamer gender statistics 2019 / Statista ~ The statistic shows the gender split among U.S. computer and video gamers from 2006 to 2020. In 2020, it was calculated that women accounted for nearly 41 percent of all gamers in the United .
Men vs. Women: Our Key Physical Differences Explained ~ In what's known as sexual dimorphism, men and women have some key physical differences. Life's Little Mysteries explains the point of each of them.
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CHAPTER 1: AN INTRODUCTION TO GENDER ~ her 1995 book title, Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women and the Rest of Us1. It is commonly argued that biological differences between males and females determine gender by causing enduring differences in capabilities and dispositions. Higher levels of testosterone, for example, are said to lead men to be more aggressive than women; and left-brain dominance is said to lead men to be more rational .
Gender Difference News -- ScienceDaily ~ June 18, 2020 — Researchers have found that the reason there are more undergraduate men than women majoring in physics, engineering and computer science is not because men are higher achievers .
Gender Statistics (Gender Stats) / Data Catalog ~ The Gender Data Portal is the World Bank Group’s comprehensive source for the latest sex-disaggregated data and gender statistics covering demography, education, health, economic opportunities, public life and decision-making, and agency. The database is updated four times a year (April, July, September, and December).
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication - Wiley Online ~ As of 2018, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication is no longer published by Wiley. Current content can be found on the new publisher's site: https: .
Women's education in Iran - Wikipedia ~ Women's participation in education has not slowed despite efforts to impose restrictions on the increasingly female-dominated educational sphere. The changes in women's education have split into increased usage and dominance of the opportunities available to women, and the imposition of strict requirements governing their role in education, including gender-segregated classes, Islamic dress .