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    Service Management: An integrated approach

    Beschreibung Service Management: An integrated approach. Over 75% of graduates currently find work in the service industries, but there are very few books that deal specifically with the subject of service management. This third edition of Services Management provides a comprehensive insight into the industry and its' importance in today's economies. The book is based on three central strands of services management: customers, employees and operations. The final part of the book addresses the issue of performance management and service strategy. Based on a series of research workshops with academics and practitioners at the Service Management Centre, De Vlerick School of Management, University of Ghent, the authors have produced in-depth case studies and survey research to help students to develop a thorough understanding of the specific challenges and issues of service management today. Services Management third edition is ideal for Service Management students within a Business or Tourism degree, but also of great interest to operations, management, marketing and general business students

    Buch Service Management: An integrated approach PDF ePub

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    9780273732037: Service Management: An Integrated Approach ~ Service Management: An Integrated Approach. 0 avg rating ‱ (0 ratings by Goodreads) Softcover ISBN 10: 027373203X ISBN 13: 9780273732037. Publisher: Presidio Pr, 2013. This specific ISBN edition is currently not available. View all copies of this ISBN edition: Synopsis; Over 75% of graduates currently find work in the service industries, but there are very few books that deal specifically .

    Services Management: An Integrated Approach: Bart Van Looy ~ Services Management: An Integrated Approach 2nd Edition by Bart Van Looy (Author, Editor), Paul Gemmel (Editor), Roland Van Dierdonck (Editor) & 0 more ISBN-13: 978-0273673538

    Services management : an integrated approach / edited by ~ After looking at the specific nature of services and the peculiarities of managing services, the three sides of service management are discussed extensively in this book. Concepts and frameworks are followed by case studies and examples. Service industries - Management.; Dienstensector.; Management.

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