Beschreibung American Cassandra: The Life of Dorothy Thompson. Explores the remarkable life of the American journalist, discussing her advisory roles to Churchill and Roosevelt, her marriage to Sinclair Lewis, her lengthy career, and her troubled personal life
American Cassandra: The Life of Dorothy Thompson (English ~ Dorothy Thompson (1893-1961) was Americaâs first internationally famous female foreign correspondent. Born outside of Buffalo, New York, she graduated from Syracuse University in 1914 and honed her writing and interviewing skills in the womenâs suffrage movement before heading for Europe as a freelance journalist.
American Cassandra : the life of Dorothy Thompson : Kurth ~ American Cassandra : the life of Dorothy Thompson Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item . EMBED. EMBED (for wordpress hosted blogs and archive item <description> tags) Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! No_Favorite. share. flag. Flag this item for. Graphic Violence ; Graphic Sexual Content ; texts. American Cassandra : the life of Dorothy Thompson .
Dorothy Thompson â Wikipedia ~ Peter Kurth: American Cassandra: The Life of Dorothy Thompson, Little Brown & Co (1991), ISBN 0-3165-0724-5. Marion K. Sanders: Dorothy Thompson: a Legend in Her Time. Houghton Mifflin, Boston 1973. Vincent Sheean: Dorothy and Red, 1963 (Sheean ĂŒber seine Freunde Dorothy Thompson und Sinclair Lewis).
Anastasia: The Life of Anna Anderson (English Edition ~ Finden Sie alle BĂŒcher, Informationen zum Autor und . and a biography of the anti-fascist journalist Dorothy Thompson, American Cassandra: The Life of Dorothy Thompson. His essays have appeared in Salon, Vanity Fair, New York Times Book Review, and many others. Peter lives in Burlington, Vermont. -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: paperback. Mehr lesen. Produktinformation .
Listen, Hans by Dorothy Thompson / NOOK Book (eBook ~ American Cassandra: The Life of Dorothy Thompson Dorothy Thompson (1893-1961) was Americaâs first internationally famous female foreign correspondent. Born outside of Buffalo, New York, she graduated from Syracuse University in 1914 and honed her writing and interviewing skills in the womenâs suffrage movement before heading for Europe .
Dorothy Thompson - Wikipedia ~ Dorothy Celene Thompson (July 9, 1893 â January 30, 1961) was an American journalist and radio broadcaster. She was the first American journalist to be expelled from Nazi Germany in 1934 and was one of the few women news commentators on radio during the 1930s. Thompson is regarded by some as the "First Lady of American Journalism" and was recognized by Time magazine in 1939 as equal in .
Dorothy Thompson / American journalist and writer / Britannica ~ Dorothy Thompson, American newspaperwoman and writer, one of the most famous journalists of the 20th century. The daughter of a Methodist minister, Thompson attended the Lewis Institute in Chicago and Syracuse University in New York (A.B., 1914), where she became ardently committed to woman
Dorothy Thompson (1893-1961) - George Washington University ~ Dorothy Thompson, a prominent journalist, political commentator and a leading opponent of Hitler and 1930s fascism, was born July 9, 1893 in Lancaster, New York. Her mother, Margaret, died in 1901 and her father, Peter, a Methodist pastor, remarried two years later. Dorothy fought frequently with her stepmother, Elizabeth Abbott Thompson, and in 1908, Peter sent his daughter to live with .
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Christa Winsloe â Wikipedia ~ Leben und Wirken Junge Jahre. Christa Winsloe wurde als Tochter eines Offiziers 1888 in Darmstadt geboren. Als ihre Mutter starb, war Winsloe erst elf Jahre alt. Da ihr Vater mit ihrer Erziehung ĂŒberfordert war, schickte er sie 1903 ins Kaiserin-Augusta-Stift nach Potsdam, ein Internat fĂŒr Offizierstöchter.Die MĂ€dchen wurden dort mit militĂ€rischem Drill und sehr strengen Regeln erzogen.
Dorothy Parker â Wikipedia ~ Dorothy Parker (Geburtsname Dorothy Rothschild; * 22. August 1893 in Long Branch, New Jersey, USA; â 7. Juni 1967 in New York) war eine US-amerikanische Schriftstellerin, Theater- und Literaturkritikerin. Sie wurde zu den bedeutendsten Autorinnen ihrer Zeit gerechnet. Sie schrieb zahlreiche Gedichte, Kurzgeschichten und mehrere TheaterstĂŒcke. In ihren Texten thematisiert sie den .
Hillary Clinton â Wikipedia ~ Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton [ËhÉȘlÉri daÉȘËĂŠn ËrÉdÉm ËklÉȘntÉn] (* 26. Oktober 1947 in Chicago, Illinois, als Hillary Diane Rodham) ist eine US-amerikanische Politikerin der Demokratischen Partei.Sie war als Ehefrau Bill Clintons, mit dem sie seit 1975 verheiratet ist, von 1993 bis 2001 First Lady der Vereinigten Staaten. Im November 2000 wurde sie in den Senat gewĂ€hlt, dem sie von .
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Dorothy Ashby - Wikipedia ~ Dorothy Jeanne Thompson (August 6, 1932 â April 13, 1986), better known as Dorothy Ashby, was an American jazz harpist and composer. Hailed as one of the most "unjustly under loved jazz greats of the 1950s" and the "most accomplished modern jazz harpist," Ashby established the harp as an improvising jazz instrument, beyond earlier use as a novelty or background orchestral instrument, proving .
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Dorothea Lange â Wikipedia ~ 1939 Buch: An American Exodus, Eine Sammlung von Fotografien von Dorothea Lange mit Texten von Paul Taylor. 1940 bis 1945 arbeitet sie fĂŒr das Office of War Information (OWI). 1942 fotografiert sie die Internierung der japanischstĂ€mmigen Amerikaner in Sammellagern .
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[Article] Who Goes Nazi?, By Dorothy Thompson / Harper's ~ By Dorothy Thompson, I t is an interesting and somewhat macabre parlor game to play at a large gathering of oneâs acquaintances: to speculate who in a showdown would go Nazi. By now, I think I know. I have gone through the experience many timesâin Germany, in Austria, and in France. I have come to know the types: the born Nazis, the Nazis whom democracy itself has created, the certain-to .
Dorothy Baker - Wikipedia ~ Early life. She was born Dorothy Dodds on April 21, 1907 in Missoula, Montana and raised in California.Baker attended Whittier College, then transferred to the University of California, Los Angeles, from which she graduated in 1929.This is where she met her future husband, the poet Howard Baker, whom she married in 1930.. For a short while, she taught French and Spanish in a high school in .
Theodore Dreiser â Wikipedia ~ Theodore Herman Albert Dreiser (* 27.August 1871 in Terre Haute, Indiana; â 28. Dezember 1945 in Los Angeles) war ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller und neben Stephen Crane und Frank Norris ein Hauptvertreter des literarischen Naturalismus in Amerika.. In seinen Werken schildert er nahezu parteilos und in einem einfachen, bisweilen schwerfĂ€llig-wuchtigen Stil den Untergang menschlicher .
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