Beschreibung What Tech Calls Thinking: An Inquiry Into the Intellectual Bedrock of Silicon Valley (FSG Originals X Logic). "In DaubÂs hands the founding concepts of Silicon Valley donÂt make money; they fall apart." --The New York Times Book Review From FSGO x Logic: a Stanford professor's spirited dismantling of Silicon Valley's intellectual originsAdrian DaubÂs What Tech Calls Thinking is a lively dismantling of the ideas that form the intellectual bedrock of Silicon Valley. Equally important to Silicon ValleyÂs world-altering innovation are the language and ideas it uses to explain and justify itself. And often, those fancy new ideas are simply old motifs playing dress-up in a hoodie. From the myth of dropping out to the war cry of Âdisruption, Daub locates the ValleyÂs supposedly original, radical thinking in the ideas of Heidegger and Ayn Rand, the New Age Esalen Foundation in Big Sur, and American traditions from the tent revival to predestination. Written with verve and imagination, What Tech Calls Thinking is an intellectual refutation of Silicon Valley's ethos, pulling back the curtain on the self-aggrandizing myths the Valley tells about itself.FSG Originals × Logic dissects the way technology functions in everyday lives. The titans of Silicon Valley, for all their utopian imaginings, never really had our best interests at heart: recent threats to democracy, truth, privacy, and safety, as a result of techÂs reckless pursuit of progress, have shown as much. We present an alternate story, one that delights in capturing technology in all its contradictions and innovation, across borders and socioeconomic divisions, from history through the future, beyond platitudes and PR hype, and past doom and gloom. Our collaboration features four brief but provocative forays into the tech industryÂs many worlds, and aspires to incite fresh conversations about technology focused on nuanced and accessible explorations of the emerging tools that reorganize and redefine life today.
What Tech Calls Thinking / Adrian Daub / Macmillan ~ âWhat Tech Calls Thinking is intellectual history of the most vital sort, an unstinting experiment in taking the precepts of Silicon Valley seriously. Those precepts suffuse our cultureâ-âdisruption,â âconnection,â âgenius,â âfailing betterâ-âeven as we sense that they do not mean what prominent tech leaders think they do. For those who suspected that Zuckerberg and Musk .
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