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    Silicon Eye: Microchip Swashbucklers and the Future of High-Tech Innovation (Enterprise)

    Beschreibung Silicon Eye: Microchip Swashbucklers and the Future of High-Tech Innovation (Enterprise). Documents the ongoing efforts of the billion-dollar technology company, Foveon, to develop sophisticated digital capabilities for artificially intelligent machines that will far outstrip the abilities of today's computers.

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    Silicon Eye: Microchip Swashbucklers and the Future of ~ Silicon Eye: Microchip Swashbucklers and the Future of High-Tech Innovation (Enterprise) / Gilder, George / ISBN: 9780393328417 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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    The Silicon Eye Microchip Swashbucklers And The Future Of ~ the silicon eye microchip swashbucklers and the future of high tech innovation enterprise Sep 13, 2020 Posted By Eleanor Hibbert Library TEXT ID 2891e748 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library eye microchip swashbucklers and the future of high tech innovation by george gilder 378 rating details 27 ratings 8 reviews thanks to the digital technology revolution

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    The Silicon Eye: How a Silicon Valley Company Aims to Make ~ The Silicon Eye: How a Silicon Valley Company Aims to Make All Current Computers, Cameras, and Cell Phones Obsolete (Enterprise) by George Gilder (2005-04-25) on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Silicon Eye: How a Silicon Valley Company Aims to Make All Current Computers, Cameras, and Cell Phones Obsolete (Enterprise) by George Gilder (2005-04-25)

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