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    Reset: My Fight for Inclusion and Lasting Change

    Beschreibung Reset: My Fight for Inclusion and Lasting Change. The “necessary and incisive” (Roxane Gay) account of the discrimination case that “has blown open a conversation about the status of women” in the workplace (The New York Times)SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2017 FINANCIAL TIMES AND MCKINSEY BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEAR | NAMED A BEST FALL BOOK BY ELLE AND BUSTLE In 2015, Ellen K. Pao sued a powerhouse Silicon Valley venture capital firm, calling out workplace discrimination and retaliation against women and other underrepresented groups. Her suit rocked the tech world—and exposed its toxic culture and its homogeneity. Her message overcame negative PR attacks that took aim at her professional conduct and her personal life, and she won widespread public support—Time hailed her as “the face of change.” Though Pao lost her suit, she revolutionized the conversation at tech offices, in the media, and around the world. In Reset, she tells her full story for the first time. The daughter of immigrants, Pao was taught that through hard work she could achieve her dreams. She earned multiple Ivy League degrees, worked at top startups, and in 2005 was recruited by Kleiner Perkins, arguably the world’s leading venture capital firm at the time. In many ways, she did everything right, and yet she and other women and people of color were excluded from success—cut out of decisive meetings and email discussions, uninvited to CEO dinners and lavish networking trips, and had their work undercut or appropriated by male executives. It was time for a system reset. After Kleiner, Pao became CEO of reddit, where she took forceful action to change the status quo for the company and its product. She banned revenge porn and unauthorized nude photos—an action other large media sites later followed—and shut down parts of reddit over online harassment. She and seven other women tech leaders formed Project Include, an award-winning nonprofit for accelerating diversity and inclusion in tech. In her book, Pao shines a light on troubling issues that plague today’s workplace and lays out practical, inspiring, and achievable goals for a better future. Ellen K. Pao’s Reset is a rallying cry—the story of a whistleblower who aims to empower everyone struggling to be heard, in Silicon Valley and beyond.Praise for Reset“Necessary and incisive . . . As Ellen Pao detailed her experiences, while also communicating her passion for the work men often impeded her from doing, I was nothing short of infuriated. It was great to see a highly accomplished woman of color speaking out like this, and hopefully this book will encourage more women to come forward, give voice to their experiences in the workplace, and contribute to meaningful change.”—Roxane Gay

    Buch Reset: My Fight for Inclusion and Lasting Change PDF ePub

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    Reset: My Fight for Inclusion and Lasting Change ebook ~ Reset: My Fight for Inclusion and Lasting Change – In 2015, Ellen K. Pao sued a powerhouse Silicon Valley venture capital firm, calling out workplace discrimination and retaliation against women and other underrepresented groups. Her suit rocked the tech world—and exposed its toxic culture and its homogeneity. Her message overcame negative PR attacks that took aim at her professional conduct and her personal life, and she won widespread public support—Time hailed her as “the face of .

    Reset: my fight for inclusion and lasting change by Ellen ~ Reset: my fight for inclusion and lasting change by Ellen Pao. Posted on 07/03/2018 by IESE Library. Overview: SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2017 FINANCIAL TIMES AND MCKINSEY BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEAR / NAMED A BEST FALL BOOK BY ELLE AND BUSTLE. In 2015, Ellen K. Pao sued a powerhouse Silicon Valley venture capital firm, calling out workplace discrimination and retaliation against women and other .

    [PDF] Reset My Fight For Inclusion And Lasting Changes ~ In Reset, she tells her full story for the first time. The daughter of immigrants, Pao was taught that through hard work she could achieve her dreams. She earned multiple Ivy League degrees, worked at top startups, and in 2005 was recruited by Kleiner Perkins, arguably the world’s leading venture capital firm at the time. In many ways, she did everything right, and yet she and other women .

    Reset My Fight for Inclusion & Lasting Change - Powell's Books ~ Reset My Fight for Inclusion & Lasting Change by Ellen Pao. Comment on this title; Synopses & Reviews; ISBN13: 9780399591013 ISBN10: 039959101X Condition: Standard DustJacket: Standard All Product Details. $19.50. Used Hardcover Ships in 1 to 3 days Qty Store; 1: Burnside: 2: Cedar Hills: Synopses & Reviews Synopsis. The bold and fearless account of the discrimination case that "has blown open .

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    Ellen Pao's ‘Reset’ is required reading for anyone in tech ~ Ellen Pao’s new book, Reset: My Fight for Inclusion and Lasting Change, is the rare story that, by going into all the most depressing details about how twisted and difficult life is for women in.

    ‎Recode Decode: Best of: Ellen Pao on Apple Podcasts ~ ‎In this best-of episode originally published in October 2017, Recode's Kara Swisher talks to investor Ellen Pao about her book, Reset: My Fight for Inclusion and Lasting Change, which chronicled Pao’s 2015 court battle against her former employer, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. They discuss her u

    The New Rules of Work Podcast - The Muse ~ Check out Ellen’s book, Reset: My Fight for Inclusion and Lasting Change, and her nonprofit, Project Include. You can find this interview, and many more, by subscribing to the New Rules of Work podcast on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or on our website. To read the full transcript, click here.

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