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    Empty Meeting Grounds: The Tourist Papers

    Beschreibung Empty Meeting Grounds: The Tourist Papers. Empty Meeting Grounds examines some of the new cultural forms and community arrangements that accompany the development of global tourism.

    Buch Empty Meeting Grounds: The Tourist Papers PDF ePub

    Empty Meeting Grounds / Taylor & Francis Group ~ Empty Meeting Grounds continues Dean MacCannell's search for the cultural subject that is about to emerge from the encounter of the ex-primitive and the post-modern. It contains fascinating chapters on `Cannibal Tours', `The Desire to be Postmodern', the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C., the Statue of Liberty Restoration Project and the urbanization of Yosemite Park.

    ‎Empty Meeting Grounds on Apple Books ~ Empty Meeting Grounds The Tourist Papers. Dean MacCannell . $72.99; $72.99; Publisher Description. Empty Meeting Grounds continues Dean MacCannell's search for the cultural subject that is about to emerge from the encounter of the ex-primitive and the post-modern. It contains fascinating chapters on `Cannibal Tours', `The Desire to be Postmodern', the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C., the .

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    The Tourist Gaze by John Urry / Summary and Analysis ~ Perkins and Thorns (2001) argue that there needs to be more of a focus on the concept of the tourist performance because in places like New Zealand, tourists are more about ‘doing’ rather than simply ‘seeing’ or ‘gazing’ and, “thus about putting their bodies into tourism in a way that is not reflected in much of the analysis arising from a focus upon the tourist gaze” (p. 199 .

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    : Customer reviews: Empty Meeting Grounds: The ~ EMPTY MEETING GROUNDS is about tourism only in some circuitous, roundabout way. Yes, there is a very short chapter about a Chinese-built town in California, the last such labor-ghetto town in the state, which was bought by a Hong Kong company to be turned into a tourist attraction. This chapter was certainly up to MacCannell's old standard. But the rest were mostly only tangentially connected .

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