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    The Fashion Handbook (Media Practice)

    Beschreibung The Fashion Handbook (Media Practice). The Fashion Handbook is the indispensable guide to the fashion industry. It explores the varied and diverse aspects of the business, bringing together critical concepts with practical information about the industry’s structure and core skills, as well as offering advice on real working practices and providing information about careers and training.Tracing the development of the fashion industry, this book looks at how fashion can be understood from both social and cultural perspectives. Each chapter contributes to the knowledge of a particular academic or vocational area either through building on existing research or through the dissemination of new research undertaken into specialist vocational disciplines.The Fashion Handbook uses case studies, interviews and profiles and includes chapters written by recognised academics and fashion industry experts. Specialist topics include fashion culture, luxury brands, fashion journalism, fashion buying, design and manufacturing, retailing, PR and styling. The Fashion Handbook includes:a unique and wide overview of the fashion industrychapters on specialist topicscontributions from recognised experts in both academia and the fashion industryexpert advice on careers in fashion retailing.A must for all students of the fashion world.

    Buch The Fashion Handbook (Media Practice) PDF ePub

    The Fashion Handbook - Google Books ~ The Fashion Handbook is the indispensable guide to the fashion industry. It explores the varied and diverse aspects of the business, bringing together critical concepts with practical information about the industry's structure and core skills, as well as offering advice on real working practices and providing information about careers and training.Tracing the development of the fashion .

    The Fashion Handbook (Media Practice): Jackson, Tim, Shaw ~ The Fashion Handbook is the indispensable guide to the fashion industry. It explores the varied and diverse aspects of the business, bringing together critical concepts with practical information about the industry’s structure and core skills, as well as offering advice on real working practices and providing information about careers and training.

    The Fashion Handbook - 1st Edition - Tim Jackson - David ~ The Fashion Handbook is the indispensable guide to the fashion industry. It explores the varied and diverse aspects of the business, bringing together critical concepts with practical information about the industry’s structure and core skills, as well as offering advice on real working practices and providing information about careers and training. Tracing the development of the fashion .

    0415255805 - The Fashion Handbook Media Practice - AbeBooks ~ The Fashion Handbook (Media Practice) by Jackson, Tim and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at AbeBooks. 0415255805 - The Fashion Handbook Media Practice - AbeBooks

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    The Fashion Book: : Kinneberg, Caroline, Gardner ~ The Fashion Book takes a fresh look at the fashion world and the people who created and inspired it.. Spanning almost 200 years, the entire industry is represented; from clothing and footwear designers, to photographers, stylists, icons and retailers, including the new category of educational institutions that have been fundamental in the careers of many of the creative individuals.

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