Beschreibung Managing Airports 4th Edition. Managing Airports presents a comprehensive and cutting-edge insight into today's international airport industry.Approaching management topics from a strategic and commercial perspective rather than from an operational and technical angle, the book provides an innovative insight into the processes behind running a successful airport. This 4th edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect the many important developments in the management of airports and issues facing the aviation industry since the 3rd edition. The 4th edition features:New content on: coping with an increasingly volatile and uncertain operating environment, social media and other trends in technology, the evolving airport-airline relationship, responding to sustainability pressures and new security policies. New chapter focused solely on service quality and the passenger experience. This is to reflect the increasing need for airports to offer wide ranging and quality services to their diverse customer base to remain competitive and to achieve high satisfaction levels.Up dated and new international case studies to show recent issues and theory in practice. New case studies on emerging economies such as China, India and Brazil. Accessible and up-to-date, Managing Airports is ideal for students, lecturers and researchers of transport and tourism, and practitioners within the air transport industry.
Managing Airports 4th Edition: An international ~ Managing Airports 4th Edition: An international perspective by Graham, Anne (2013) Paperback / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Anne Graham Managing Airports 4th Edition скачать книгу ~ Managing Airports presents a comprehensive and cutting-edge insight into today's international airport industry.Approaching management topics from a strategic and commercial perspective rather than from an operational and technical angle, the book provides an innovative insight into the processes behind running a successful airport. This 4th edition has been fully revised and updated to .
Managing Airports 4th Edition: An international ~ Managing Airports 4th Edition: An International Perspective Mobi Download Book Managing Airports 4th Edition: An international perspective Anne Graham
Managing Airports / Taylor & Francis Group ~ Managing Airports presents a comprehensive and cutting-edge insight into today's international . the book provides an innovative insight into the processes behind running a successful airport. This 4th edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect the many important developments in the management of airports and issues facing the aviation industry since the 3rd edition. The 4th .
Managing Airports: ebook jetzt bei Weltbild als Download ~ Managing Airports presents a comprehensive and cutting-edge insight into today's international airport industry. This third edition reflects the huge changes in the management of airports today and tackles many of hte key issues such as: * the vast increase of air traffic and how can airport development cope with predicted levels of future demand.
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