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    The Travels of an Alchemist: The Journey of the Taoist Ch'ang-Ch'un from China to the Hundukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan

    Beschreibung The Travels of an Alchemist: The Journey of the Taoist Ch'ang-Ch'un from China to the Hundukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan. First published in 1931. Mainly focussing on cultural and geographical aspects, Travels of an Alchemist are unique in their importance as a source for early Mongol history, enabling us as they do to fix with certainty the otherwise obscure and much disputed dates of Chingiz Khan's movements during his Western campaign. The author, a Taoist doctor, left some of the most faithful and vivid pictures ever drawn of nature and society between the Aral and the Yellow Sea. Waley's introduction provides excellent background information with which to place the Travels in their appropriate historical, social and religious setting.

    Buch The Travels of an Alchemist: The Journey of the Taoist Ch'ang-Ch'un from China to the Hundukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan PDF ePub

    The Travels of an Alchemist - The Journey of the Taoist Ch ~ The Travels of an Alchemist - The Journey of the Taoist Ch'ang-Ch'un from China to the Hindukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan (Broadway Travellers) (English Edition) eBook: Chih-Ch'ang, Li: : Kindle-Shop

    The Travels of an Alchemist: The Journey of the Taoist Ch ~ The Travels of an Alchemist: The Journey of the Taoist Ch'ang-Ch'un from China to the Hundukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan (Broadway Travellers) (English Edition) eBook: LI CHIH-CH'ANG: : Kindle-Shop

    The Travels of an Alchemist: The Journey of the Taoist Ch ~ The Travels of an Alchemist: The Journey of the Taoist Ch'Ang-Ch'Un from China to the Hundukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan (Broadway Travellers) / Li Chih-Ch'Ang / ISBN: 9780415344906 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    The Travels of an Alchemist (The Journey of the Taoist Ch ~ The Travels of an Alchemist (The Journey of the Taoist Ch\"ang-Ch\"un from China to the Hundukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan) // Issue Date:

    The Travels of an Alchemist : The Journey of the Taoist Ch ~ [(The Travels of an Alchemist : The Journey of the Taoist Ch'ang-Ch'un from China to the Hundukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan)] [By (author) Li Chih-Ch'ang ] published on (December, 2004) / Li Chih-Ch'ang / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    The Travels of an Alchemist: The Journey of the Taoist Ch ~ Buy the The Travels of an Alchemist: The Journey of the Taoist Ch'ang-Ch'un from China to the Hundukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan ebook. This acclaimed book by Li Chih-Ch'ang is available at eBookMall in several formats for your eReader.

    The Travels of and Alchemist : The Journey of the Taoist ~ Webcat Plus: The Travels of and Alchemist : The Journey of the Taoist Ch'ang-Ch'un from China to the Hundukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan, First published in 1931. Mainly focussing on cultural and geographical aspects, Travels of an Alchemist are unique in their importance as a source for early Mongol history, enabling us as they do to fix with certainty the otherwise obscure and much .

    Waley, Arthur (1889-1966) - IdRef ~ The travels of an alchemist : the journey of the taoist Ch'ang-ch'un from China to the Hindukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan / Li Chih-Ch'ang ; transl. by Arthur Waley, 1991 [reprod. de l'éd. de 1931]

    Changchun zhenren xiyou ji – Wikipedia ~ The Travels of an Alchemist. The Journey of the Taoist Ch'ang-ch'un from China to the Hindukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan, Recorded by His Disciple Li Chih-ch'ang. Reprinted. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1963. Emil Bretschneider: Mediæval Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources. (New York: Barnes & Noble, 1888) Volume I Digitalisat (Auszug)

    Arthur Waley – Wikipedia ~ The Travels of an Alchemist. The Journey of the Taoist Ch'ang-Ch'un from China to the Hindukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan. Recorded by his disciple Li Chih-Ch'ang London 1931 (The Broadway Travellers) The Book of Songs. London 1937 (2 Bände) Confucius: The Analects of Confucius. New York 1938.

    Arthur Waley – Wikipedia ~ The Travels of an Alchemist. The Journey of the Taoist Ch'ang-Ch'un from China to the Hindukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan. Recorded by his disciple Li Chih-Ch'ang, London, 1931; The Way and its Power: A Study of the Tao Te Ching and its Place in Chinese Thought, 1934; The Book of Songs (Shih Ching), 1937; The Analects of Confucius, 1938

    Qiu Chuji – Wikipedia ~ The Travels of an Alchimist. The Journey of the Taoist Ch'ang-ch'un from China to the Hindukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan, Recorded by His Disciple Li Chih-ch'ang. Reprinted. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1963. Tao-Chung Yao: Ch'iu Ch'u-chi and Chinggis Khan. In: Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies.

    Arthur Waley – Wikipedia ~ The Travels of an Alchemist. The Journey of the Taoist Ch'ang-Ch'un from China to the Hindukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan. Recorded by his disciple Li Chih-Ch'ang, London, 1931; The Way and its Power: A Study of the Tao Te Ching and its Place in Chinese Thought, 1934; The Book of Songs , 1937; The Analects of Confucius, 1938

    Чинкай — Википедия ~ The Travels of an Alchemist: The Journey of the Taoist Ch'Ang-Ch'Un from China to the Hundukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan. — Routledge, 2004. — 184 p. — (Broadway Travellers). — ISBN 0415344905

    The Broadway Travellers – Wikipedia ~ The Travels of an Alchemist. The Journey of the Taoist Ch'ang-Ch'un from China to the Hindukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan. Recorded by his disciple Li Chih-Ch'ang Changchun zhenren xiyou ji: Translated with an introduction by Arthur Waley: Marc Lescarbot : Nova Francia: a Description of Acadia, 1606 Thomas Herbert: Travels in Persia: 1627–1629 Abridged and ed. by Sir William Foster .

    Qiu Chuji - Wikipedia ~ Ch‘ang-ch‘un-tzu: Qiu Chuji (10 February 1148– 21 August 1227), also known by his Taoist name Master Changchun, was a Taoist disciple of Wang Chongyang. He was the most famous among the Seven True Taoists of the North. He was the founder of the Dragon Gate sect of Taoism attracting the largest following in the streams of traditions flowing from the sects of the disciples. History. In .

    Silk Road Seattle - Almaliq - University of Washington ~ The Travels of an Alchemist: The Journey of the Taoist Ch’ang-Ch’un from China to the Hindukush at the Summons of Chingiz Khan. Recorded by His Disciple Li Chih-Ch’ang. Tr. and introd. by Arthur Waley (London: Routledge, 1931). Ata-Malik Juvaini, The History of the World-Conqueror. Tr. J. A. Boyle. 2 v. (Cambridge, Ma.: Harvard Univ. Pr., 1958; orig. pub. by Manchester Univ. Pr .

    சியு சுஜி - தமிழ் விக்கிப்பீடியா ~ சியு சுஜி (பண்டைய சீனம்: 丘處機; எளிய சீனம்: 丘处机; பின்யின்: Qiū Chǔjī; 1148 – 23 சூலை 1227), அல்லது சாங்சுன் சி (தாவோயியப் பெயர்) (traditional Chinese: 長春子; பின்யின்: Chángchūnzi), என்று .

    [PDF] Objects of popular devotion : Longquan ceramic ~ This thesis investigates ceramic figures portraying religious images made at the kilns of Longquan in Zhejiang province, China between the Song and the Ming periods. Through a thorough examination of the images’ iconography alongside further related sources drawn from diverse areas of study, the thesis offers a new understanding of the cultural and religious importance of the figures and .

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    VIAF ID: 59885410 (Personal) ~ The travels of an alchemist / recorded by his disciple Li Chin- Ch'ang. - Taipel, 1991. The travels of an alchemist : The journey of the taoist Ch'ang-Ch'un from China to the Hindukush at the summons of Chingiz Khan: Wang Zhe Qiu Chuji ping zhuan: Xiyouji. Yan shou di yi shen yan [1 juan] / She sheng xiao xi lun [1 juan] / Shi se shen yan [一卷] Yanling xiansheng ji xin jiu fuqi jing: Yi .

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