Beschreibung Beyond Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care: Languages of evaluation (Routledge Education Classic Edition). Taking a broad approach, Beyond Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care relates issues of early childhood to the sociology of childhood, philosophy, ethics, political science and other fields and to an analysis of the world we live in today. It places these issues in a global context and draws on work from Canada, Sweden and Italy, including the world famous nurseries in Reggio Emilia.Working with postmodern ideas, this book questions the search to define and measure quality in the early childhood field and its tendency to reduce philosophical issues of value to purely technical and managerial issues of expert knowledge and measurement.With a brand new Preface to this classic text, the authors argue that there are other ways than the 'discourse of quality' for understanding and evaluating early childhood pedagogical work and relate these to alternative ways of understanding early childhood itself and the purposes of early childhood institutions.
Early Child Development and Care: Vol 190, No 12 ~ Read the latest issue and learn how to publish your work in Early Child Development and Care. Log in / Register Cart. Home All Journals Early Child Development and Care List of Issues Volume 190, Issue 12 2019 Impact Factor. 0.968 Early Child Development and Care. 2019 Impact Factor. 0.968 Search in: Advanced search. Submit an article. New content alerts RSS. Subscribe. Citation search .
European policy cooperation (ET 2020 framework ~ About education policies Find out how the EU supports Member State education and training policies.; European policy cooperation Education and Training 2020 is a forum that allows EU Member States to cooperate in building best practices.; Early childhood education The EU seeks to support Member States in maximising the quality of national early childhood education and care provision.
Education and Training ~ About education policies Find out how the EU supports Member State education and training policies.; European policy cooperation Education and Training 2020 is a forum that allows EU Member States to cooperate in building best practices.; Early childhood education The EU seeks to support Member States in maximising the quality of national early childhood education and care provision.
Goal 4: Quality Education / The Global Goals ~ Equal Access to Quality Pre-Primary Education. By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education.
An Overview of Early Childhood Education - ThoughtCo ~ Early Childhood Education is a term that refers to educational programs and strategies geared toward children from birth to the age of eight. This time period is widely considered the most vulnerable and crucial stage of a person's life. Early childhood education often focuses on guiding children to learn through play.The term commonly refers to preschool or infant/child care programs.
Early Childhood Education and Care ~ Learn about the early childhood sector and the role of the Early Childhood Education and Care division, and our network of early childhood offices. You will also find a collection of news, updates, our publications and research.
Early Learning Resources / U.S. Department of Education ~ From the Department of Education. Dual Language Learners in the Early Years: Getting Ready to Succeed in School This report examines the conditions of early childhood for dual language learners (DLLs) from a variety of angles and discusses the degree to which the nation is succeeding in preparing DLLs for kindergarten and first grade. Developing Early Literacy: Report of the National Early .
Early Childhood Education Journal / Home ~ This combined Call for Papers, both for a special issue of Early Childhood Education Journal and a call for contributors of chapters for an edited book in the series Educating the Young Child is one step toward identifying authors to write authoritatively about some aspect of COVID-19.These publications are a way to provide authoritative information, professional insights, and research-based .
Asia Pacific Journal of Education: Vol 40, No 3 ~ (International Perspectives on Education and Society [Series Editor: Alexander W. Wiseman]) Volume 31, edited by Alexander W. Wiseman and Calley Stevens Taylor, Bingley, Emerald Group Publishing, 2017, 296 pp., $131.99, ISBN: 978-1-78635-540-9
Foundation for Early Childhood ~ Early Childhood Education and Play. Research shows that children need to be stimulated as well as nurtured, early in life, if they are to succeed in school, work and life. That preparation relates to every aspect of a child’s development, from birth to age seven, and everywhere a child learns – at home, in childcare settings and in preschool. We seek to improve the quality of both early .
National Quality Standard / ACECQA ~ The National Quality Standard (NQS) sets a high national benchmark for early childhood education and care and outside school hours care services in Australia. The NQS includes 7 quality areas that are important outcomes for children. Services are assessed and rated by their regulatory authority against the NQS, and given a rating for each of the 7 quality areas and an overall rating based on .
Gunilla Dahlberg - ~ Beyond Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care: Languages of evaluation (Routledge Education Classic Edition) (English Edition) 23.10.2013. von Gunilla Dahlberg , Peter Moss , Alan Pence Kindle Ausgabe. 28,99 € Gebundene Ausgabe. EUR 118,65. Alle Angebote EUR 118,65 (5 Gebrauchte & neue Angebote) Taschenbuch. 46,27 € Lieferung bis Samstag, Sep 21. Alle Angebote EUR 36,87 (15 .
National Education Systems / Eurydice ~ National Education Systems National Education Systems Here you can consult the pages of the 42 national units based in the 38 countries participating in the Erasmus+ programme (27 Member States, United Kingdom, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of North Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey).
The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards Steering ~ On behalf of the Governor’s Early Childhood Advisory Committee, we are pleased to introduce the latest edition of the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS). Through a unique collaboration of our departments, early childhood educators, and child care professionals, the standards were originally established in 2003 and revised in .