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    Thomas Cook: 150 Years of Popular Tourism

    Beschreibung Thomas Cook: 150 Years of Popular Tourism. This book is published to coincide with the 150th anniversary of Thomas Cook and draws on a range of original material to provide an in-depth account of the founders of popular tourism, Thomas Cook and his son John, and of the firm they created. In 1841 Thomas Cook invented modern tourism as a means of emancipation for working people and in this respect the book is part social history, as well as being the story of an entrepreneurial family. The book tells how John Cook took a less philanthropic view of the business than did his father and of their struggle which came to a climax in the 1870s. The book also tells of the setbacks that have beset the company in the 20th century, but despite which it remains the largest travel organization in the world.

    Buch Thomas Cook: 150 Years of Popular Tourism PDF ePub

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