Beschreibung Enz, C: Hospitality Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. Updated to include the current models, theories, and hospitality practices, Hospitality Strategic Management: Concept and Cases, Second Edition is a comprehensive guide to strategic management in the international hospitality industry. Author Cathy A. Enz uses the case study approach to cover current topics such as innovation, entrepreneurship, leadership, ethics, and franchising. Eight full case studies with exhibits and documents address the areas of lodging, food service, tourism e-commerce, gaming, cruise lines, and airlines, making this book ideal for executive level training courses or hospitality industry executives interested in developing their strategic management skills.
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Hospitality Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, 2nd ~ Updated to include the current models, theories, and hospitality practices, Hospitality Strategic Management: Concept and Cases, Second Edition is a comprehensive guide to strategic management in the international hospitality industry. Author Cathy A. Enz uses the case study approach to cover current topics such as innovation, entrepreneurship, leadership, ethics, and franchising.
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