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    Elements of Information Theory (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing)

    Beschreibung Elements of Information Theory (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing). The latest edition of this classic is updated with new problem sets and material The Second Edition of this fundamental textbook maintains the book's tradition of clear, thought-provoking instruction. Readers are provided once again with an instructive mix of mathematics, physics, statistics, and information theory. All the essential topics in information theory are covered in detail, including entropy, data compression, channel capacity, rate distortion, network information theory, and hypothesis testing. The authors provide readers with a solid understanding of the underlying theory and applications. Problem sets and a telegraphic summary at the end of each chapter further assist readers. The historical notes that follow each chapter recap the main points. The Second Edition features:* Chapters reorganized to improve teaching* 200 new problems* New material on source coding, portfolio theory, and feedback capacity* Updated references Now current and enhanced, the Second Edition of Elements of Information Theory remains the ideal textbook for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in electrical engineering, statistics, and telecommunications.

    Buch Elements of Information Theory (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing) PDF ePub

    Elements of Information Theory (Wiley Series in ~ Elements of information theory/by Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas.–2nd ed. p. cm. “A Wiley-Interscience publication.” Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13 978-0-471-24195-9 ISBN-10 0-471-24195-4 1. Information theory. I. Thomas, Joy A. II. Title. Q360.C68 2005 003 .54–dc22 2005047799 Printed in the United States of .

    Elements of Information Theory Wiley Series in ~ Elements of Information Theory (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing) / Cover, Thomas M., Thomas, Joy A. / ISBN: 9780471241959 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Elements of Information Theory 2nd Edition (Wiley Series ~ Elements of Information Theory 2nd Edition (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing) Thomas M. Cover , Joy A. Thomas The latest edition of this classic is updated with new problem sets and materialThe Second Edition of this fundamental textbook maintains the book's tradition of clear, thought-provoking instruction.

    Elements of Information Theory 2nd Edition (Wiley Series ~ Elements of Information Theory 2nd Edition (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing) T. Cover, and J. Thomas. Wiley-Interscience, (July 2006

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    Elements of Information Theory Wiley Series in ~ Elements of Information Theory Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing: .in: Cover, Thomas M., Thomas, Joy A.: Books

    Elements of Information Theory Wiley Series in ~ Elements of Information Theory Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing: : Cover, Thomas M., Thomas, Joy A.: Libros en idiomas extranjeros

    Elements of Information Theory, 2nd Edition / Wiley ~ The latest edition of this classic is updated with new problem sets and material The Second Edition of this fundamental textbook maintains the books tradition of clear, thought-provoking instruction. Readers are provided once again with an instructive mix of mathematics, physics, statistics, and information theory. All the essential topics in information theory are covered in detail, including .

    Elements of Information Theory / Wiley Online Books ~ All the essential topics in information theory are covered in detail, including entropy, data compression, channel capacity, rate distortion, network information theory, and hypothesis testing. The authors provide readers with a solid understanding of the underlying theory and applications. Problem sets and a telegraphic summary at the end of each chapter further assist readers. The historical .

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    Informationstheorie – Wikipedia ~ Die Informationstheorie ist eine mathematische Theorie aus dem Bereich der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik, die auf den US-amerikanischen Mathematiker Claude Shannon zurückgeht. Sie beschäftigt sich mit Begriffen wie Information und Entropie, der Informationsübertragung, Datenkompression und Kodierung sowie verwandten Themen.. Neben der Mathematik, Informatik und Nachrichtentechnik .

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    Elements of Information Theory (eBook, PDF) von Thomas M ~ All the essential topics in information theory are covered in detail, including entropy, data compression, channel capacity, rate distortion, network information theory, and hypothesis testing. The authors provide readers with a solid understanding of the underlying theory and applications. Problem sets and a telegraphic summary at the end of each chapter further assist readers. The historical .

    Telecommunication - Wikipedia ~ Telecommunication (from Latin communicatio, referring to the social process of information exchange, and the Greek prefix tele-, meaning distance) is the transmission of information by various types of technologies over wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic systems. It has its origin in the desire of humans for communication over a distance greater than that feasible with the human .

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    Digital signal processing - Wikipedia ~ Digital signal processing (DSP) is the use of digital processing, such as by computers or more specialized digital signal processors, to perform a wide variety of signal processing operations. The digital signals processed in this manner are a sequence of numbers that represent samples of a continuous variable in a domain such as time, space, or frequency.

    Data transmission - Wikipedia ~ Data transmission and data reception (or, more broadly, data communication or digital communications) is the transfer and reception of data (a digital bitstream or a digitized analog signal) over a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint communication channel.Examples of such channels are copper wires, optical fibers, wireless communication channels, storage media and computer buses.