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    The International Dictionary of Event Management (Wiley Events)

    Beschreibung The International Dictionary of Event Management (Wiley Events). The first and only comprehensive reference to the growing vocabulary of international event managementA-to-Z coverage of nearly 4,000 terms-more than double the First Edition!Event management has a language all its own, one that is expanding rapidly as the event marketplace keeps pace with today's increasingly global economy. Because effective communication is the key to successfully researching, designing, planning, coordinating, and evaluating special events, it is essential to keep pace with the latest terminology. This invaluable reference helps you remain fluent in the language of event management by giving you quick access to the terms, phrases, and concepts you need to know to do your job well. Features include:* Entries updated and expanded with the help of event professionals from around the world* New coverage of catering, marketing, proposal writing, technology, and other important areas* A new section featuring terms grouped according to the key CSEP-identified categories: administration, coordination, marketing, and risk managementThe Wiley Event Management Series-Series Editor, Dr. Joe Goldblatt, CSEPThe Wiley Event Management Series provides professionals with the essential knowledge and cutting-edge tools they need to excel in one of the most exciting and rapidly growing sectors of the hospitality and tourism industry. Written by recognized experts in the field, the volumes in the series cover the research, design, planning, coordination, and evaluation methods as well as specialized areas of event management.

    Buch The International Dictionary of Event Management (Wiley Events) PDF ePub

    The International Dictionary of Event Management (Wiley ~ The International Dictionary of Event Management (Wiley Events) / Goldblatt, Joe / ISBN: 9780471394532 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    The international dictionary of event management ~ Rev. ed. of: Dictionary of event management, c1996 "Wiley events"--Cover "Approved by the International Special Events Society." Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2012-05-08 20:04:15 Boxid IA106301 Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark II City New York Donor bostonpubliclibrary Edition 2nd ed. External-identifier urn:asin:047139453X urn:oclc:record:1035676419 Extramarc University of Illinois Urbana .

    The International Dictionary of Event Management: 6 (The ~ The Wiley Event Management Series provides professionals with the essential knowledge and cutting-edge tools they need to excel in one of the most exciting and rapidly growing sectors of the hospitality and tourism industry. Written by recognized experts in the field, the volumes in the series cover the research, design, planning, coordination, and evaluation methods as well as specialized .

    The International Dictionary of Event Management (The ~ The International Dictionary of Event Management (The Wiley Event Management Series) 047139453X. Check Price. Score Score Graph Customer Reviews Related Products. The first and only comprehensive reference to the growing vocabulary of international event managementA-to-Z coverage of nearly 4,000 terms-more than double the First Edition!Event management has a language all its own, one that is .

    The International Dictionary of Event Management 2nd ~ The International Dictionary of Event Management 2nd Edition by Joe Goldblatt, Kathleen S. Nelson and Publisher Wiley. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781118637456, 1118637453. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9780471394532, 047139453X.

    The International Dictionary of Event Management ~ The Wiley Event Management Series provides professionals with the essential knowledge and cutting-edge tools they need to excel in one of the most exciting and rapidly growing sectors of the hospitality and tourism industry. Written by recognized experts in the field, the volumes in the series cover the research, design, planning, coordination, and evaluation methods as well as specialized .

    Diese 8 Bücher für Eventmanager solltest du gelesen haben ~ Event-Marketing und -Management: Grundlagen, Planung, Wirkungen, Weiterentwicklungen Autor: Gerd Nufer, Preis: 64,99€ Gerd Nufer geht in diesem umfangreichen Buch für Eventmanager zunächst auf das theoretische Basiswissen zum Eventmarketing und -management ein. Anschließend gibt er praxisnahe Tipps zu innovativen Kommunikationsinstrumenten .

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    Event Management Software: Die 19 besten Tools 2020 im ~ Event Management Tools helfen Ihnen, vor allem während der Vorbereitung Ihrer Veranstaltung den Überblick zu behalten.Alle Aufgaben und Daten werden zentral an einem Ort erfasst. Dabei ist es egal, ob Sie eine Hochzeitsfeier oder ein Konzert mit Ticketverkauf veranstalten - für jede Art von Veranstaltung gibt es die passende Event Software. Eine professionelle Organisation erleichtert nicht .

    Event management - Wikipedia ~ Event management is the application of project management to the creation and development of small and/or large-scale personal or corporate events such as festivals, conferences, ceremonies, weddings, formal parties, concerts, or conventions.It involves studying the brand, identifying its target audience, devising the event concept, and coordinating the technical aspects before actually .

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    Event Management: Ingenta Connect Publication ~ Event Management, an International Journal, intends to meet the research and analytic needs of a rapidly growing profession focused on events. This field has developed in size and impact globally to become a major business with numerous dedicated facilities, and a large-scale generator of tourism. The field encompasses meetings, conventions, festivals, expositions, sport and other special .

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    EVENT MANAGEMENT - Cambridge Dictionary ~ event management Bedeutung, Definition event management: 1. the job of planning and managing large events such as conferences, trade shows, and parties: 2….

    dict.cc dictionary :: event management :: English-German ~ event and hospitality management Event- und Hospitality-Management {n}acad.gastr. exhibition, conference and event management Messe-, Kongress- und Eventmanagement {n}educ. management assistant in event organisation [female] [Br.] Veranstaltungskauffrau {f}jobs management assistant in event organisation [male] [Br.] Veranstaltungskaufmann {m}jobs

    events management - German translation – Linguee ~ In parallel, over 30 national and international top speakers from the industry talked about challenges and opportunities of the day-to-day business of event-oriented marketing and entered into a dialogue with their audience at the "Congress of World's Leaders in Events Management Profession".

    Management of Event Operations (Events Management) - Tum ~ The Management of Event Operations: project management, planning and customer satisfaction provides an introduction to the management of operations for the event planner and venue provider. Taking an holistic view of an event enterprise, it links the traditional topics within operations management to present a coherent and hands-on approach specifically for the events manager.

    event manager - LEO: Übersetzung im Englisch ⇔ Deutsch ~ Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'event manager' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer

    event management - German translation – Linguee ~ Many translated example sentences containing "event management" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations.

    event organisation / Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch ~ dict.cc / Übersetzungen für 'event organisation' im Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch, mit echten Sprachaufnahmen, Illustrationen, Beugungsformen, .

    event management translation German / English-German ~ event management translation in English - German Reverso dictionary, see also 'distance event',field event',fringe event',happy event', examples, definition, conjugation

    event management - Deutsch-Übersetzung – Linguee Wörterbuch ~ Our event summary includes a reference list related to Incentive events, client events, event planning, dmc Budapest, Inbound travel Budapest, FIT, [.] conference planning, destina ti o n management , event management , c or porate events, Budapest tours, special events, Events Budapest, Events Hungary, Event market in g , Event o r ga niz in g , Event management , Event c o or dination .

    management event - LEO: Übersetzung im Englisch ⇔ Deutsch ~ Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'management event' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer

    EVENT / Bedeutung im Cambridge Englisch Wörterbuch ~ event Bedeutung, Definition event: 1. anything that happens, especially something important or unusual: 2. one of a set of races or….