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    Hospitality Financial Accounting

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    Buch Hospitality Financial Accounting PDF ePub

    Accounting and Financial Analysis in the Hospitality ~ Accounting and Financial Analysis in the Hospitality Industry (Butterworth-Heinemann Hospitality Management Series) / Hales, Jon, Hales, Jonathan A. / ISBN: 9780750678964 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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    Hospitality Management Accounting, 8th Edition ~ Hospitality Management Accounting continues to evolve with the industry, to give students a solid understanding of how they can use managerial accounting skills in their future careers. This text makes no attempt to cover the detailed concepts and mechanics of financial accounting, or the detailed procedures of bookkeeping. However, Chapter 1 presents a complete review of the basic fun .

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    Accounting and Financial Analysis in the Hospitality ~ written to present and focus on the following important goals in teaching hospitality accounting: 1. Presenting students with accounting information that will provide a solid founda- tion of fundamental accounting concepts and methods of financial analysis. 2. Teaching students to understand numbers and be able to use numbers to help them perform their managerial responsibilities more .

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    Hospitality Industry Financial Accounting, Fourth Edition ~ This textbook presents basic financial accounting concepts and shows readers how they apply to the hospitality industry. Readers will learn about: the responsibilities of a hospitality property's accounting department, advantages and drawbacks of various types of income statements, and the role of inventory in calculating profit.

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