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    Purchasing Population Health: Paying for Results

    Beschreibung Purchasing Population Health: Paying for Results. David Kindig's training as a physician, a health care executive, and his academic work in the field of health policy came together to inspire this innovative approach for extracting a higher quality of care at reasonable cost by establishing clear health outcomes measures as a purchasing standard. Despite the massive resources it consumes, the American health care system remains under stress. While we are global leaders in technical accomplishments in medicine, the quality of health outcomes we achieve per dollar invested is far from optimal. Neither market nor regulatory reforms have addressed this failure of our system. In the wake of the failed 1994 federal reform effort the system is changing without legislation through market forces. There is no evidence, however, that these changes are reducing costs, increasing quality, or covering the uninsured. This book details how Dr. Kindig's plan could work and the stages of implementation. It concludes with an examination of the price of inertia in facing this long-standing problem. This work will appeal to senior policymakers in the private and public sector, including legislators and staff, officials of corporations, and professional organizations. In addition, faculty and students in schools of medicine, nursing, public health, and business, as well as health services researchers and a sophisticated lay audience will find it interesting. "...a major contribution to our understanding of the forces driving the health care system and the need to create the incentives for a healthier America in the 21st century." --Philip R. Lee, M.D., former Assistant Secretary for Health, Department of Health and Human ServicesDavid A. Kindig is Professor of Preventive Medicine, University of Wisconsin- Madison School of Medicine.

    Buch Purchasing Population Health: Paying for Results PDF ePub

    Purchasing Population Health: Paying for Results by David ~ Purchasing Population Health book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. David Kindig's training as a physician, a health care executi.

    Purchasing Population Health: Paying for Results, Journal ~ Purchasing Population Health: Paying for Results Purchasing Population Health: Paying for Results Evans, Robert; Ostry, Aleck 1999-01-01 00:00:00 Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997. 216 pp. $24.95 paper. Aimed primarily at an audience of business, political, and professional leaders, this book provides yet another analysis of the American health care system, with suggestions for reform.

    Population Health: Purchasing Population Health: Paying ~ To that end Dr Kindig proposes a new system to establish value, ie, to define population benefit for money spent, called health adjusted life expectancy (HALE), which will serve as the framework for health systems responsible for "purchasing population health." His plan would require clear, achievable targets of population health improvements so that payers and purchasers of care can make .

    Download Books Purchasing Population Health: Paying for ~ Download Purchasing Population Health: Paying for Results pdf books While intended to address the cost, quality, and access goals of the failed federal reform effort of 1994, it envisions using health outcomes as a public- and private-sector purchasing standard for medical care as well as other health-promoting sectors such as education and the environment.

    CRITIQUE: PURCHASING POPULATION HEALTH: PAYING FOR RESULTS ~ CRITIQUE: PURCHASING POPULATION HEALTH: PAYING FOR RESULTS BY DAVID A. KINDIG This paper is a critique of David Kindig’s Purchasing Population Health: Paying for Results, published in 1997 by The University of Michigan Press. The paper will focus on Kindig’s ideas for the future of healthcare policy, financing and delivery based on rewarding community health outcomes and the incentives .

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