Beschreibung Ultimate Price: The Value We Place on Life. How much is a human life worth? Individuals, families, companies, and governments routinely place a price on human life. The calculations that underlie these price tags are often buried in technical language, yet they influence our economy, laws, behaviors, policies, health, and safety. These price tags are often unfair, infused as they are with gender, racial, national, and cultural biases that often result in valuing the lives of the young more than the old, the rich more than the poor, whites more than blacks, Americans more than foreigners, and relatives more than strangers. This is critical since undervalued lives are left less-protected and more exposed to risk.Howard Steven Friedman explains in simple terms how economists and data scientists at corporations, regulatory agencies, and insurance companies develop and use these price tags and points a spotlight at their logical flaws and limitations. He then forcefully argues against the rampant unfairness in the system. Readers will be enlightened, shocked, and, ultimately, empowered to confront the price tags we assign to human lives and understand why such calculations matter.
Ultimate Price: The Value We Place on Life: Friedman ~ In "Ultimate Price", Dr. Friedman tackles an important question in modern life, that is, how should human life be valued when economic decisions must be made? He examines how modern society values lives, whether we realize it or not, in value calculations which are made all the time by regulators and planners. 7 major chapters examine different ways in which this done and consider the sort of .
How much is a human life worth? - Marketplace ~ Adapted excerpt from âUltimate Price: The Value We Place on Lifeâ by Howard Steven Friedman (University of California Press, May 5, 2020). Stories You Might Like. How to value a life .
âScience Salon: 116. Howard Steven Friedman â Ultimate ~ âShow Science Salon, Ep 116. Howard Steven Friedman â Ultimate Price: The Value We Place on Life - May 19, 2020
Michael Shermer with Howard Steven Friedman â Ultimate ~ 9/11 and the calculations used to determine the value of each life lost; calculating the devil we know (coal-related deaths) vs. the devil we donât know (possible future nuclear-power related deaths) how the price of $10 million was determined for the current value of a human life; organ sales as a form of human life valuation
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