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    On Top of The World: A Life's Education Through Travel and Adventure

    Beschreibung On Top of The World: A Life's Education Through Travel and Adventure. When Paul Foster stood at the base of Mt. Everest in October of 2017, it was the recognition just how far his life on earth had come. At that one moment he appreciated having a career that has allowed him to visit 5 of the 7 continents, and experience some of the world's greatest adventures. In those last few steps to the pinnacle of Mt. Everest it was like he was downloaded with a tremendous knowledge of how different the world is from his own every day life. From then on things would change. On Top of The World is a look back at over 30+ years of travel and adventures. Each adventure holds its own specific meaning, along with some important life lesson. This book is an enjoyable read and lets you travel the globe with stops in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. You will walk in the footsteps of the author, and experience the key moments in time that may leave you wondering - and leave you considering - what if? Don't miss this one! This is not a travel book - it's an experience book! Experience being On Top of the World!

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