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    The Story: Volume I: Transformation

    Beschreibung The Story: Volume I: Transformation. "There has been one constant throughout my four decade career: Story. The crafting of it, the guarding of it--and the illumination of it through the technology of the epoch I was in. Whether transforming newspapers from broadsheets to tabloids, from tabloids to Berliners, from black and white to color, from print to online--my role has been as steward of the story, always insuring the it was told. Today we live in a mobile culture; thus, the new art of storytelling requires that, yet again, we who tell stories must adapt to a new medium in order to continue engaging our reader. With the phone as a constant companion, the story has never been closer to us, making the guarding of its purity paramount to protecting the authenticity of its essence. How to illuminate the story in the mobile age is what this book is all about."--Mario Garcia

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    The Story: Volume I: Transformation: Garcia, Mario ~ "The Story is written as a brilliant roadmap for people at any experience level and from any role in media today."--Greg Manifold, Design Director, The Washington Post "Mario Garcia's 14th book is the storytelling revolution every journalist should read."--Olivier Royant, Editor in Chief, The Paris Match

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