Beschreibung English for International Tourism : Course Book. English for International Tourism is the first multi-level series designed specifically for the hotel and tourism industry! This course focuses on the grammar, vocabulary, and skills needed for professional communication in this fast-paced industry.
English for International Tourism New Edition Upper ~ English for International Tourism New Edition Upper Intermediate Coursebook (with DVD-ROM) (English for Tourism) / Strutt, Peter, Dubicka, Iwona, O'Keeffe, Margaret / ISBN: 9781447923916 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
English for International Tourism New Edition - bücher ~ Students practise these skills in realistic Case Studies that reflect topical tourism issues. The DVD-ROM accompanying the Coursebook includes travel DVDs with accompanying worksheets. English for International Tourism is recommended preparation for the LCCI English for tourism exams
English for International Tourism New Edition Intermediate ~ Students practise these skills in realistic Case Studies that reflect topical tourism issues. The DVD-ROM accompanying the Coursebook includes travel DVDs with accompanying worksheets. English for International Tourism is recommended preparation for the LCCI English for tourism exams
English for International Tourism Intermediate Students´ Book ~ English for International Tourism Intermediate Students´ Book
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Learn English for Tourism with Books: 9 Books to Get You ~ Tips for Learning Tourism English from Travel Books. Do not read tourism guides like a book. Even tourists do not read the entire guide from the beginning until the end! There is too much information about too many things in these books. Instead, read a few sections from each part of the book. Focus on vocabulary and phrases.
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English for International Tourism - Pearson ~ English for International Tourism at a glance. It's a three-level series designed to meet the English-language needs of professionals working in the tourism industry and students of tourism in further education. Using photos and maps from the world’s best-loved guidebooks, Dorling Kindersley’s Eyewitness Travel Guides, this is a highly motivating way for learners to: build confidence in .
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English for Hotels and Tourism ~ English 4 Hotels is designed to help train the following hotel staff: hotel management, hotel reception, concierges, housekeeping, restaurant staff, tour guides, and most other hotel staff positions.
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English for tourism - dialogues and exercises ~ English for tourists and tourism. Airports and airplanes exercises. Hotels and accomodations dialogues.
English for Tourism,Hospitality Industry Language Books ~ Welcome Student's book : English for the Travel and Tourism Industry by Leo Jones, Paperback: 126 pages, Cambridge University Press; (March 28, 1998) Welcome is a course for people working or planning to work in the tourism industry at the lower intermediate to intermediate level. It covers a range of work areas--hotels, restaurants, travel agencies--and focuses on the employees dealing with .