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    Being Geek: The Software Developer's Career Handbook

    Beschreibung Being Geek: The Software Developer's Career Handbook. As a software engineer, you recognize at some point that there's much more to your career than dealing with code. Is it time to become a manager? Tell your boss he’s a jerk? Join that startup? Author Michael Lopp recalls his own make-or-break moments with Silicon Valley giants such as Apple, Netscape, and Symantec in Being Geek -- an insightful and entertaining book that will help you make better career decisions.With more than 40 standalone stories, Lopp walks through a complete job life cycle, starting with the job interview and ending with the realization that it might be time to find another gig. Many books teach you how to interview for a job or how to manage a project successfully, but only this book helps you handle the baffling circumstances you may encounter throughout your career.* Decide what you're worth with the chapter on "The Business"* Determine the nature of the miracle your CEO wants with "The Impossible"* Give effective presentations with "How Not to Throw Up"* Handle liars and people with devious agendas with "Managing Werewolves"* Realize when you should be looking for a new gig with "The Itch"

    Buch Being Geek: The Software Developer's Career Handbook PDF ePub

    Being Geek: The Software Developer's Career Handbook by ~ Being Geek is a collection of Michael Loop's blog posts about a career in Software Development. I generally liked this book because it helped established some ideas about what it is like to have a job in software development. However, some of it I felt did not specifically apply to me in my current position at Microsoft. It explains how to deal with non-technical people/issues during your .

    Being Geek: The Software Developer's Career Handbook ~ Title: Being Geek: The Software Developer's Career Handbook Author: Michael Lopp Subject: There are some obvious similarities between software developers and actuaries (analytical mindset, geeky personalities), as well as some obvious differences (no credentialing system exists for software development).

    Being Geek: The Software Developer's Career Handbook 1 ~ Being Geek: The Software Developer's Career Handbook - Kindle edition by Lopp, Michael. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Being Geek: The Software Developer's Career Handbook.

    Being Geek: The Software Developer's Career Handbook: Lopp ~ Being Geek Debugging Teams Rebels at Work Scaling Teams The Art of Leadership Related books from O'Reilly Media Inc. The Software Developer's Career Handbook Better Productivity through Collaboration A Handbook for Leading Change from Within Strategies for Building Successful Teams and Organizations Small Things, Done Well

    Being Geek: The Software Developer's Career Handbook: Lopp ~ Being Geek: The Software Developer's Career Handbook: Lopp, Michael: 9780596155407: Books - .ca . Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App. Product details. Paperback: 338 pages; Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (Aug. 13 2010) Language: English; ISBN-10: 9780596155407; ISBN-13: 978-0596155407; ASIN: 0596155409; Product Dimensions: 14 x 1.8 x 21.6 cm Shipping .

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    Geek With Opinions ~ Book Review: Being Geek - The Software Developer's Career Handbook. 26 February, 2011. I’ll admit, I am not much for book reading. I like skimming the Internet and blogs but setting down with a book is not my thing. Maybe it is…

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    September / 2015 / Höllis Blog ~ Being Geek: The Software Developer’s Career Handbook. Zitat des Tages. Written by georg on September 27, 2015. Ist Religion an sich also nun gut oder schlecht? Ehrlich gesagt: beides. Mit der Religion ist es wie mit einem scharfen Messer. Man kann es benutzen, um Möhrchen zu schnippeln, man kann damit aber auch eine alte Omi abmurksen. Heilige Scheiße: Wären wir ohne Religion wirklich .

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    Rands - Wikipedia ~ Rands is the pen name and alter ego of Michael Lopp (born 1970 in California), a blogger, software engineering manager, and webcomic author. Lopp originally used the name "Rands" as his chat room handle, and it is his persona when writing about software management. Rands is his wife's maiden name, though they were dating at the time he chose it.

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    National Occupational Classification - Canada.ca ~ career developers; counsellors; students; immigrants; job seekers; ESDC, in partnership with Statistics Canada, update the NOC on an ongoing basis. The objective of revisions is to ensure that the information of the NOC is accurate and current. Career Handbook - Third Edition. The Career Handbook is the counselling component of the National Occupational Classification (NOC) system. The Career .

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