Beschreibung Hamilton, J: Democracy's Detectives: The Economics of Investigative Journalism. In democratic societies, investigative journalism holds government and private institutions accountable to the public. From firings and resignations to changes in budgets and laws, the impact of this reporting can be significant—but so too are the costs. As newspapers confront shrinking subscriptions and advertising revenue, who is footing the bill for journalists to carry out their essential work? Democracy’s Detectives puts investigative journalism under a magnifying glass to clarify the challenges and opportunities facing news organizations today. Drawing on a painstakingly assembled data set of thousands of investigations by U.S. journalists, James T. Hamilton deploys economic theories of markets and incentives to reach conclusions about the types of investigative stories that get prioritized and funded.Hamilton chronicles a remarkable record of investigative journalism’s real-world impact, showing how a single dollar invested in a story can generate hundreds of dollars in social benefits. An in-depth case study of Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter Pat Stith of The News and Observer in Raleigh, NC, who pursued over 150 investigations that led to the passage of dozens of state laws, illustrates the wide-ranging impact one intrepid journalist can have. Important stories are going untold as news outlets increasingly shy away from the expense of watchdog reporting, Hamilton warns, but technology may hold an answer. Computational journalism—making novel use of digital records and data-mining algorithms—promises to lower the costs of discovering stories and increase demand among readers.
Democracys Detectives: The Economics of Investigative ~ Buy Democracys Detectives: The Economics of Investigative Journalism Reprint by Hamilton, James T. (ISBN: 9780674986817) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
Democracy’s Detectives: The Economics Of Investigative ~ Democracy’s Detectives puts investigative journalism under a magnifying glass to clarify the challenges and opportunities facing news organizations today. Drawing on a painstakingly assembled data set of thousands of investigations by U.S. journalists, James T. Hamilton deploys economic theories of markets and incentives to reach conclusions about the types of investigative stories that get .
Democracy's Detectives / Stanford Computational Journalism Lab ~ DEMOCRACY'S DETECTIVES: The Economics of Investigative Journalism By James T. Hamilton. Investigative journalism involves original work, about substantive issues, that someone wants to keep secret. This means it is costly, underprovided in the marketplace, and often opposed. It gets done when a media outlet has the resources to cover the costs, has an incentive to tell a new story, cares about .
Democracys Detectives: The Economics Of Investigative ~ Democracys Detectives puts investigative journalism under a magnifying glass to clarify the challenges and opportunities facing news organizations today. Drawing on a painstakingly assembled data set of thousands of investigations by U.S. journalists, James T. Hamilton deploys economic theories of markets and incentives to reach conclusions about the types of investigative stories that get .
Stanford Computational Journalism Lab ~ DEMOCRACY'S DETECTIVES: The Economics of Investigative Journalism By James T. Hamilton. Investigative journalism involves original work, about substantive issues, that someone wants to keep secret. This means it is costly, underprovided in the marketplace, and often opposed. It gets done when a media outlet has the resources to cover the costs, has an incentive to tell a new story, cares about .
About the CJ Lab / Stanford Computational Journalism Lab ~ If you’re a journalist or media executive, apply for: John S. Knight Journalism Fellowship at Stanford; HSTAR Fellowship; Meet the Team. Jay Hamilton Director of Stanford Journalism Program jayth(at)stanford(dot)edu. Hearst Professor of Communication and the Director of the Journalism Program. Authored "Democracy’s Detectives: The Economics of Investigative Journalism." Previously at Duke .
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About / ICIJ Offshore Leaks Database ~ The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists obtained the data through four massive leaks: Paradise Papers (2017 & 2018): the data in the Offshore Leaks database comes from the offshore law firm Appleby and a trove of data from seven corporate registries. Appleby’s structured data was added in November 2017, and the corporate registries' data was incorporated December 19, 2017 .
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