Beschreibung Vermeer in Bosnia: Selected Writings. There are writers who specialize in the strange and others whose genius is to find the strangeness in the familiar, the unexpected meanings in stories we thought we knew. Of that second category, Lawrence Weschler is the master. Witness the pieces in this splendidly disorienting collection, spanning twenty years of his career and the full range of his concerns–which is to say, practically everything.Only Lawrence Weschler could reveal the connections between the twentieth century’s Yugoslav wars and the equally violent Holland in which Vermeer created his luminously serene paintings. In his profile of Roman Polanski, Weschler traces the filmmaker’s symbolic negotiations with his nightmarish childhood during the Holocaust. Here, too, are meditations on artists Ed Kienholz and David Hockney, on the author’s grandfather and daughter, and on the light and earthquakes of his native Los Angeles. Haunting, elegant, and intoxicating, Vermeer in Bosnia awakens awe and wonder at the world around us.
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Vermeer in Bosnia: Selected Writings by Lawrence Weschler ~ Vermeer in Bosnia: Selected Writings by Lawrence Weschler (2005-07-12) / Lawrence Weschler / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Vermeer in Bosnia by Lawrence Weschler: 9780679777403 ~ About Vermeer in Bosnia. From the master chronicler of the marvelous and the confounding–author of Mr. Wilson’s Cabinet of Wonder–here is a much-anticipated new collection of more than twenty pieces from the past two decades, the majority of which have never before been gathered together in book form. Lawrence Weschler is not simply a superb reporter, essayist, and cultural observer; he .
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