Beschreibung Creating the National Pastime: Baseball Transforms Itself, 1903-1953. At a time when many baseball fans wish for the game to return to a purer past, G. Edward White shows how seemingly irrational business decisions, inspired in part by the self-interest of the owners but also by their nostalgia for the game, transformed baseball into the national pastime. Not simply a professional sport, baseball has been treated as a focus of childhood rituals and an emblem of American individuality and fair play throughout much of the twentieth century. It started out, however, as a marginal urban sport associated with drinking and gambling. White describes its progression to an almost mythic status as an idyllic game, popular among people of all ages and classes. He then recounts the owner's efforts, often supported by the legal system, to preserve this image. Baseball grew up in the midst of urban industrialization during the Progressive Era, and the emerging steel and concrete baseball parks encapsulated feelings of neighborliness and associations with the rural leisure of bygone times. According to White, these nostalgic themes, together with personal financial concerns, guided owners toward practices that in retrospect appear unfair to players and detrimental to the progress of the game. Reserve clauses, blacklisting, and limiting franchise territories, for example, were meant to keep a consistent roster of players on a team, build fan loyalty, and maintain the game's local flavor. These practices also violated anti-trust laws and significantly restricted the economic power of the players. Owners vigorously fought against innovations, ranging from the night games and radio broadcasts to the inclusion of African-American players. Nonetheless, the image of baseball as a spirited civic endeavor persisted, even in the face of outright corruption, as witnessed in the courts' leniency toward the participants in the Black Sox scandal of 1919. White's story of baseball is intertwined with changes in technology and business in America and with changing attitudes toward race and ethnicity. The time is fast approaching, he concludes, when we must consider whether baseball is still regarded as the national pastime and whether protecting its image is worth the effort.
Creating the National Pastime: Baseball Transforms Itself ~ At a time when many baseball fans wish for the game to return to a purer past, G. Edward White shows how seemingly irrational business decisions, inspired in part by the self-interest of the owners but also by their nostalgia for the game, transformed baseball into the national pastime. Not simply a professional sport, baseball has been treated as a focus of childhood rituals and an emblem of .
Creating the national pastime : baseball transforms itself ~ Creating the national pastime : baseball transforms itself, 1903-1953 Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item . EMBED. EMBED (for wordpress hosted blogs and archive item <description> tags) Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! No_Favorite. share. flag. Flag this item for. Graphic Violence ; Graphic Sexual Content ; texts. Creating the national pastime .
Creating the National Pastime: Baseball Transforms Itself ~ Creating the National Pastime: Baseball Transforms Itself, 1903-1953 - Ebook written by G. Edward White. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Creating the National Pastime: Baseball Transforms Itself, 1903-1953.
Creating the National Pastime - Walter de Gruyter ~ White, G. Edward Creating the National Pastime Baseball Transforms Itself, 1903-1953
Creating the National Pastime: Baseball Transforms Itself ~ G. Edward White's book, Creating the National Pastime, examines the changes in major league baseball during the first half of the 1900's. The slow acceptance of radio, night baseball, black players, the rise of the commissioner's office, and the ironclad nature of the reserve clause are among the topics looked at in the book. The book does a good job examining some of the changes that took place between 1903 and 1953 in baseball that we take for granted today (night baseball, steel and .
Creating the national pastime : baseball transforms itself ~ Get this from a library! Creating the national pastime : baseball transforms itself, 1903-1953. [G Edward White] -- At a time when many baseball fans wish for the game to return to a purer past, G. Edward White shows how seemingly irrational business decisions, inspired in part by the self-interest of the owners .
Creating the national pastime : baseball transforms itself ~ Get this from a library! Creating the national pastime : baseball transforms itself, 1903-1953. [G Edward White] -- "At a time when many baseball fans wish for the game to return to a purer past, G. Edward White shows how seemingly irrational business decisions, inspired in part by the self-interest of the owners .
Creating the National Pastime : Baseball Transforms Itself ~ Get this from a library! Creating the National Pastime : Baseball Transforms Itself, 1903-1953.. [G Edward White] -- At a time when many baseball fans wish for the game to return to a purer past, G. Edward White shows how seemingly irrational business decisions, inspired in part by the self-interest of the owners .
Creating the National Pastime: Baseball Transforms Itself ~ Creating the National Pastime: Baseball Transforms Itself, 1903-1953: : White, G. Edward: Books Select Your Cookie Preferences We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use our services so we can make improvements, and display ads.
Regulating The National Pastime Baseball And Antitrust [PDF] ~ baseball and antitrust von jerold j duquette als download jetzt ebook herunterladen mit ihrem tablet oder ebook reader lesen compre regulating the national pastime baseball and antitrust english edition de duquette jerold j na combr confira tambem os ebooks mais vendidos lancamentos e livros digitais exclusivos regulating the national pastime baseball and antitrust english edition ebook .
Frontmatter : Creating the National Pastime Baseball ~ Citation Information. Creating the National Pastime. Baseball Transforms Itself, 1903-1953. Princeton University Press. 2014. Pages: i–vi. ISBN (Online): 9781400851362
Creating the national pastime : baseball transforms itself ~ Creating the national pastime : baseball transforms itself, 1903-1953 / G. Edward White. Author White, G. Edward; Format Book; Language English ; Published/ Created. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, [1996] ©1996 ; Description 1 online resource (xiii, 368 pages) : illustrations; Details Subject(s) Baseball — United States — History — 20th century; Baseball — Social aspects .
Chapter Six. Baseball Journalists : Creating the National ~ White, G. Edward Creating the National Pastime Baseball Transforms Itself, 1903-1953
Creating the National Pastime: Baseball Transforms Itself ~ Creating the National Pastime: Baseball Transforms Itself, 1903-1953 . In this Book. Additional Information. Creating the National Pastime: Baseball Transforms Itself, 1903-1953; G. Edward White 2014; Book; Published by: Princeton University Press; View View Citation; contents. summary. At a time when many baseball fans wish for the game to return to a purer past, G. Edward White shows how .
Creating the national pastime: baseball transforms itself ~ Creating the national pastime: baseball transforms itself, 1903-1953. Add to My Bookmarks Export citation. Type Book Author(s) G. Edward White Date c1996 Publisher Princeton University Press Pub place Chichester, Princeton, N.J. ISBN-10 0691034885 eBook. Access the eBook. 0691034885,0691034885. Preview. This item appears on. List: Twentieth Century Sport History Section: Week 9: Sport, Race .
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G. Edward White. Creating the National Pastime: Baseball ~ G. Edward White. Creating the National Pastime: Baseball Transforms Itself, 1903–1953.Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1996. Pp. xiii, 358. $24.95
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Creating The National Pastime - Livro - WOOK ~ Baseball Transforms Itself, 1903-1953 de G. Edward White . idioma: Inglês. Edição: Princeton University Press, fevereiro de 1998 ‧ ISBN: 9780691058856 ‧ ver detalhes do produto. seja o primeiro a comentar este produto comentar. Portes Grátis. 10% . 45,52€ i. Portes Grátis. 10% . Comprar Checkout. 10% de desconto em CARTÃO . Envio até 10 dias portes grátis . Venda o seu livro .
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