Beschreibung Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation: How Silicon Valley Will Make Oil, Nuclear, Natural Gas, Coal, Electric Utilities and Conventional Cars Obsolete by 2030. The industrial age of energy and transportation will be over by 2030. Maybe before. Exponentially improving technologies such as solar, electric vehicles, and autonomous (self-driving) cars will disrupt and sweep away the energy and transportation industries as we know it. The Stone Age did not end because we ran out of rocks. It ended because a disruptive technology ushered in the Bronze Age. The era of centralized, command-and-control, extraction-resource-based energy sources (oil, gas, coal and nuclear) will not end because we run out of petroleum, natural gas, coal, or uranium. It will end because these energy sources, the business models they employ, and the products that sustain them will be disrupted by superior technologies, product architectures, and business models. The same Silicon Valley ecosystem that created bit-based technologies that have disrupted atom-based industries is now creating bit- and electron-based technologies that will disrupt atom-based energy industries. This is a technology-based disruption reminiscent of how the cell phone, Internet, and personal computer swept away industries such as landline telephony, publishing, and mainframe computers. Just like those technology disruptions flipped the architecture of information and brought abundant, cheap and participatory information, the clean disruption will flip the architecture of energy and bring abundant, cheap and participatory energy. Just like those previous technology disruptions, the clean disruption is inevitable and will be swift. The industrial age of energy and transportation is already giving way to an information technology and knowledge-based energy and transportation era.
Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation: How Silicon ~ Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation: How Silicon Valley Will Make Oil, Nuclear, Natural Gas, Coal, Electric Utilities and Conventional Cars Obsolete by 2030 / Seba, Tony / ISBN: 9780692210536 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation: How Silicon ~ Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation: How Silicon Valley Will Make Oil, Nuclear, Natural Gas, Coal, Electric Utilities and Conventional Cars Obsolete by 2030 (English Edition) eBook: Seba, Tony: : Kindle-Shop
Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation : How ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation : How Silicon Valley Will Make Oil, Nuclear, Natural Gas, Coal, Electric Utilities and Conventional Cars Obsolete By 2030 by Tony Seba (2014, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation: How Silicon ~ Buy Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation: How Silicon Valley Will Make Oil, Nuclear, Natural Gas, Coal, Electric Utilities and Conventional Cars Obsolete by 2030 Beta by Seba, Tony (ISBN: 9780692210536) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
Tony Seba, Author, Thought Leader and SV Entrepreneur ~ Tony Seba is a world-renowned thought leader, author, speaker, educator, angel investor and Silicon Valley entrepreneur. He is the author of the #1 best-selling book “Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation”, “Solar Trillions” and “Winners Take All”, and co-author of “Rethinking Transportation 2020-2030”, “Rethinking Food and Agriculture 2020-2030” and .
Saubere Revolution 2030: : Bücher ~ Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation: How Silicon Valley Will Make Oil, Nuclear, Natural Gas, Coal, Electric Utilities and Conventional Cars Obsolete by 2030 Tony Seba. 4,4 von 5 Sternen 221. Taschenbuch. 15,28 € Der letzte Führerscheinneuling: . ist bereits geboren. Wie Google, Tesla, Apple, Uber & Co unsere automobile Gesellschaft verändern und Arbeitsplätze vernichten. Und .
: Our Renewable Future: Laying the Path for One ~ Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation: How Silicon Valley Will Make Oil, Nuclear, Natural Gas, Coal, Electric Utilities and Conventional Cars Obsolete by 2030 Tony Seba. 4.4 out of 5 stars 240. Kindle Edition. $7.99. True Wealth: How and Why Millions of Americans Are Creating a Time-Rich, Ecologically Light, Small-Scale, High-Satisfaction Economy Juliet B. Schor. 4.2 out of 5 stars 37 .
Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGs) ~ Canada’s total primary energy supply in 2018 was 12,719 petajoules. Natural gas accountedfor 36% of the total primary energy supply, followed by crude oil and NGLs at 33%, hydro at 11%, nuclear at 8%, coal at 6%, and other renewables at 1%.
Benefits of Renewable Energy Use / Union of Concerned ~ Likewise, natural gas prices have fluctuated greatly since 2000 . Using more renewable energy can lower the prices of and demand for natural gas and coal by increasing competition and diversifying our energy supplies. And an increased reliance on renewable energy can help protect consumers when fossil fuel prices spike.
U.S. energy facts explained - consumption and production ~ Download image U.S. primary energy consumption by energy source, 2019 total = 100.2 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu) total = 11.4 quadrillion Btu 2% - geothermal 9% - solar 24% - wind 4% - biomass waste 20% - biofuels 20% - wood 22% - hydroelectric biomass 43% renewable energy 11% natural gas 32% petroleum 37% nuclear electric power 8% coal 11% Note: Sum of components may not equal 100% .
California Electricity Data - California Energy Commission ~ California Energy Demand Forecast 2012-2022 Volume 1: Statewide Electricity Demand and Methods, End-User Natural Gas Demand, and Energy Efficiency - PDF; California Energy Demand Forecast 2012-2022 Volume 2: Electricity Demand by Utility Planning Area - PDF
Electric cars and the coal that runs them - Washington Post ~ Electric cars and the coal that runs them 1 of 18. Full Screen . where a natural gas boom has helped push down emissions from the power sector, the potential climate benefits of electric cars .
Energy use in Sweden ~ Renewable energy could be power generated from water, wind or the sun, or any other source that is replenished through a natural process. The share of renewable energy used in Sweden keeps growing. Already in 2012 the country reached the government’s 2020 target of 50 per cent. For the power sector, the target is 100 per cent renewable electricity production by 2040.
California needs clean energy after - Los Angeles Times ~ California’s 100% clean energy mandate, along with the state’s goal of carbon neutrality by 2045, means natural gas will eventually need to be squeezed off the grid, Thomsen said — creating .
Natural gas explained - U.S. Energy Information ~ Natural gas is processed for sale and consumption. Natural gas withdrawn from natural gas or crude oil wells is called wet natural gas because, along with methane, it usually contains NGL—ethane, propane, butanes, and pentanes—and water vapor. Wellhead natural gas may also contain nonhydrocarbons such as sulfur, helium, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide, most of which must be .
Department of Energy ~ DOE extended the terms of three long-term liquefied natural gas export authorizations through 2050. . and Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Rita Baranwal will host a press call to announce a grant. October 13, 2020. View Article. Recent Speeches. Remarks as Prepared for Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette at Baker Institute Fireside Chat. Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette addressed .
Learn About Natural Gas, What is Natural Gas? — Chevron ~ Natural gas is the cleanest burning conventional fuel, producing lower levels of greenhouse gas emissions than the heavier hydrocarbon fuels, like coal and oil. The advantages of natural gas include its efficiency, abundance, and versatility. Historically, natural gas also has been one of the most economical energy sources. By 2040, U.S. households are on track to save an aggregate $100 .
U.S. Electricity Grid & Markets / Green Power Partnership ~ Electricity in the United States is generated using a variety of resources and technologies. The majority of electricity is produced using conventional sources such as, natural gas, oil, coal and nuclear. More recently, however, some of the fastest growing sources of electricity are sourced from renewable resources (e.g. wind, solar, etc).
Maps - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) ~ Oil and gas wells; Pipelines and electric transmission; Power plants ; Resources: coal, oil and gas, shale, tight gas, biomass, geothermal, photovoltaic solar, wind; Storage; Waterborne transport: petroleum ports, waterways, and LNG import/export terminals; World Regions. Coal. Asia coal consumption by country, 1980-2010 (animation) Asia coal production by country, 1980-2010 (animation) Coal .
California - State Energy Profile Overview - U.S. Energy ~ Total Energy: 12: Crude Oil: 7: Natural Gas: 14: Coal--Electricity: 4: Prices: Natural Gas: 36: Electricity : 5: Environment: Carbon Dioxide Emissions: 2: See rankings for all states › Today In Energy. Smoke from California wildfires decreases solar generation in CAISO Sep 29, 2020. In 2018, U.S. energy expenditures increased for the second consecutive year Sep 10, 2020. See all articles for .
Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions / US EPA ~ Transportation (28.2 percent of 2018 greenhouse gas emissions) – The transportation sector generates the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions from transportation primarily come from burning fossil fuel for our cars, trucks, ships, trains, and planes. Over 90 percent of the fuel used for transportation is petroleum based, which includes primarily gasoline and .
Home / Oil & Gas Journal ~ Oil, gas & energy industry finds success selling equipment at Ritchie Bros . Oct 26th, 2020. Pipelines & Transportation; Government. Court stays Mountain Valley water crossings until ruling. OGJ .
New York - State Energy Profile Overview - U.S. Energy ~ New York's Clean Energy Standard was revised in 2019 to require 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040. In 2019, 29% of New York's in-state generation came from renewable sources, including those at both large- and small-scale facilities. In 2019, one-third of New York's utility-scale net generation was from the state's nuclear power plants, which the state counts toward its 2040 100% carbon .
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Wood Mackenzie / Energy Research & Consultancy ~ Helping investors evaluate opportunities in energy and natural resources during the Covid-19 crisis. Energy Transition Guide. The energy transition is well underway. Discover what the future holds for renewable energy and what clean disruption means for your business. Hydrogen Guide. Hydrogen could have a huge role to play in decarbonising the global economy, especially in hard-to-decarbonise .